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China And Environment

Essay by   •  May 29, 2011  •  1,980 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,177 Views

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I was raised in South Texas, in a small city known as Mission. My hometown is about 95% of Catholic Religion with common cultural values and morals. I am now 25 years old and still do not know the meaning of my own religion, which happens to be Catholic. As most of the people living in this country and others, we were labeled when we were born to be of that certain religion that our ancestors and our parents have been labeled. We were not given the option to choose our religion but chosen by our trusted families and people around us to make the right choice for us not knowing the religions outside of there own. As every other person in the world, we were already of that religion placed by our parents. (Moreno, 2007) In order to better understand my own religion I must understand and educate myself in why I am a catholic and what does society as a whole think about my religion and others. Understanding what being a catholic is will greatly attune me to knowing what my religion is really about. Researching through personal knowledge will analyze the information and facts of being a catholic. Comparing and Contrasting the catholic religion with another religion will help me decide the outcome of my true direction of my own religion.

What is being Catholic? Being Catholic has many open questions and unfinished answers, but there are basic principles of being a catholic. Being a Catholic is confusing even after attending Catholic school for about 10 years. It just so opened to any opinion accepted or not. (Sanchez, 2007) The word most often refers to the members, beliefs, and practices of the Catholic Church that is in full communion with the Pope. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, a spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church and the absolute monarch of Vatican City. (Catholic, 2007) Catholics believe the Pope is the successor of Saint Peter, also making him Vicar of Christ. Most churches use the term Catholic to refer to their belief that all Christians are part of one church, regardless of denominational divisions. The term "Catholic" is defined as "general" or "universal" to no one denomination. "One Holy and Apostolic Church" in the Nicene Creed, is used during church mass to preach the Word of God. The Catholic Churches share certain essential distinctive beliefs and practices. They believe that the Eucharist is really, truly, and objectively the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the Real Presence (Catholic, 2007). Catholics are also well known for their use of sacred images, candles, and music. The Catholic Church is the vessel and deposit of the fullness of the teaching of Jesus Christ and the Apostles from which the scriptures were formed (Wikipedia, 2007). These teachings were preserved in written scriptures and throughout the ages have been put together to what we know today as the Bible. The Bible is a book of sacred writings of Judaism and Christianity, The Christian Bible is often called Scriptures or the Word of God. The book is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Catholics New Testament contains vital information on Jesus Christ. Jesus also known as Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of Christianity (Wikipedia,2007). He is also referred to as Jesus Christ. The Hebrew transliteration of "Jesus" meaning salvation, and where "Christ" means the Anointed One. Worshipers view Jesus Christ as the center of the belief that Jesus is the Messiah, whose coming was promised in the Old Testament and that he would resurrect after his own crucifixion (Wikipedia, 2007). It is believed that Jesus is God incarnate, who came to provide salvation and reconciliation with God. Catholics also believe that the Virgin Mary of Joseph gave birth to Jesus Christ. This in itself was considered to be a miracle, the first of many. No dates or time of the year was mentioned for the birth of Jesus. Although, throughout the world on December 25th is known as Christmas. This is the day that all Christian believers celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Tradition involves the bringing of gifts to one another and the display of Nativity Scenes.

In order to get a better understanding of what the Catholic Religion is, I visited a very popular church in Mission, Texas known as San Martin Catholic Church. The church was built back in the year 1926. I started to go to that church since I was 5 years old and went on until 12 years old. Most of the time, I was always very curious on Catholicism. Some things just did not make much sense for example, why would God want us to give money when my family as it is, was broke. We barely had enough money to send us to school and put food on the table, but my parents always had just enough to give to the church. Other sayings also got me thinking such as God being greedy on worshipping him and giving him cattle and such to show that we are merciful and he is our God. That did not sound like a caring, loving God to me. So I left my church, leaving open minded never to return due to the fact I could never get any straight answers from and of the nuns and priests preaching and teaching Catholicism. I went on my own way believing my own method of believing in God. Having decided to go back a few days ago, I came in contact with a very good friend and priest Padre Santos.

I coordinated an interview with a priest by the name of Padre Santos, to answer a few of the main questions of Catholicism that will help me in understanding the meaning of being Catholic and to answer some of my own old age questions never been answered. "My Catholic Religion has given me the spiritual support I need to lead the life within myself, my family and my community" (Santos, 2007). Padre Santos finds it challenging in today's world in what to believe and of all the scam believers. It leads me to believe he was also close minded on the situation on other religions and that his religion is the right religions. He emphasizes on today's marriages and divorces. "Young married couples do not follow the path of God; they are so quick to divorce" (Santos, 2007). In his beliefs when a couple is married in God's church they are not only promising to be faithful to each other, but promising to their God as well. Agreeing to his comment, every individual has that belief that once an oath is made it should not be broken. The most important holidays in the Catholic Religion are Ash Wednesday, Easter, Christmas and All Saints Day, Ash Wednesday is the beginning of lent. Lent is the season that Catholics make a sacrifice for 40 days and 40 nights. The sacrifice is made by fasting from not eating meat on the Fridays during lent. Many individuals choose to make additional sacrifices. The Easter Holiday is a celebration of when Jesus resurrected from the dead after being crucified on Good Friday. The Christmas Holiday celebrates the birth



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