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Christian Management And Leadership

Essay by   •  December 27, 2010  •  1,909 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,281 Views

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I. Introduction

Today, every organization can be measured on how competent and credible the leaders it possesses. In order to achieve company success, the people comprising any institution and organization listen to able leaders. They can respond well with eagerness and obedience if the leaders can manage the organization with respect and determination. At the same time, leaders do their best to put forward the interests of the majority even before their personal needs. Organizations need credible leaders because they impart not only their principles and ideals but a leadership that persists even when they no longer lead. This is the kind of leadership that has a staying power. It touches lives of people around them and at the same time receives just appreciation for the effort and kindness shown.

There are many things at stake when leading a group. There are also several leadership styles utilized in order to succeed in such endeavor. There are requirements needed to be a true leader. One should be up to the challenge to manage people according to one's wealth of experience. These skills are collected over his or her lifetime. These are set of principles and beliefs that should guide one's decisions (Giuliani, 2002).

The paper is a personal philosophy about Christian Leadership and Management that aims to share how running an organization can be more worthwhile and meaningful both for the leader and the people being led.. It speaks on the ideals a leader should possess, capitalize and improve on. Every leader is looked upon as a symbol in the organization. They are set apart and deeply examined by their followers and therefore they no longer speak for themselves alone.

Leaders are called to serve as a symbol that galvanizes and empowers their followers. For this reason, Christian leadership must symbolize an attitude of the heart. Therefore, such leaders must serve as examples and not only by symbolism.

II. Focusing on Christian Leadership

There are many organizations that follow leadership styles in the way of relating with people. The paper focuses on Christian leadership which by definition means a process of leading people towards God. This is not an easy task because everyone has his own pace in order to be led to God. When such step is taken, there is a sharing in God's purpose and likewise an embracing of one's role in the mission of God.

A Christian leader is a product of all these events. He is a person formed in the image of God with a servants' heart. He has God given skills and talents that are guided by the Holy Spirit. In this way, he has an influence to a specific group of God's people that is directed to God's purpose.

All Christian leaders are called to be representatives. However, there is more to the calling that a leader is not simply for a particular group of people. His greater calling is meant to be a representative of Christ himself. Therefore, Christian leaders are not merely for their immediate followers but more for those who need to hear the Word of God. It is sometimes quite farfetched to see these ideals among private organizations when leaders are seen to use this leadership style however it is not improbable. Ultimately, organizations actually run by Christian leaders have more retrospect and direction.

Another aspect of a Christian leader is the ability to guide and mentor wisely people who will likewise represent the Gospel of Christ to other. It is important to point that Christian leaders do not hold the right and leadership role alone because all of God's people must be involved in working for the good of everyone. This includes the success of the organization, the peace and unity in the workplace, the redeeming work in the world. The leader and his people are thus enjoined to become ambassadors of Christ.

A. Three Elements of Christian Leadership

There are three essential elements in the process of Christian leadership:

1. Governance - It is one of the characteristics for a Christian leader to learn how to govern. This element is the ability to restructure an organization into one which works for the spreading of God's kingdom. The intention is not to be pious and holy in terms of organizational policies and by laws but instead all demands are according to moral and Christian values. The act of governance is not simply a management task. It is a goal meant to be shared by an institution toward achieving and sharing God's mission.

2. Direction - This element is the capacity of a leader to show the workforce the way which God would want them to tread. Direction is not working on forming a company vision but leading people to an established direction already set out for all. Since there are already given directions, there are constant analyses and introspection done as an assembly to see the viability of organizational directions. Those directions that are no longer valid are discarded while those that are pertinent are continually strengthened and followed up.

3. Liberation - This element is the call of God for people to be free and grow in an environment without inhibitions. Christian leaders give organizations the pre-eminence of God's purpose in their lives which is to liberate them from all forms of policies and laws that enslaves employees. These are forms of slavery that undermine production and unity of the group. .

All in all, these three elements are intended to work in a way to create a winning and successful company. When there is a rapport built among leader and the people, it is intended to relentlessly pursue and continually upgrade the team. At the same time, a leader who is tasked to govern should exude the very principles that he sets out to instill before everyone. It is an optimism that should be contagious. Company directions are taken with everyone involved and aware of the propositions the organization follow. Lastly, the element of liberation entails growing in an environment with confidence and the leaders are able to inject note worthy praises especially to people who deserve it. When there are good ideas that come from the people, they are given due credit and leaders do not cheat their own people stealing an idea and claiming it as theirs. The atmosphere is a celebration that enjoins all to participate. It is in this sense that celebrating makes people feel like winners. (Welch, 2005)

III. Mission Vision Statement

Companies are always driven by Mission Vision Statements. They are the guide posts that give direction to what



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