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Christianity Study Guide

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Christianity Study Guide

 Define the following people and terms

1. Jesus: The Son of God; a person who was both God and man; The Messiah sent by God to save the human race from the sin it inherited through the fall of man.

2. Trinity: The Christian God-head in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3. Pontius Pilate: The Roman procurator of Judea; the final authority concerned in the condemnation and execution of Jesus Christ.

4. Blasphemy: The act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.

5. Crucifixion: The execution of someone by nailing or binding them to a cross.

6. Asphyxiation: simply put: suffocation.

7. Martin Luther: German theologian who lead the reformation; believed that salvation is granted on the basis of faith rather than works.

8. King Henry VIII: King of England from 1509 – 1547. His divorce resulted in the break away from the Catholic Church in 1534 and his excommunication in 1538 leading to the start of the English reformation.

9. Peter: Saint Peter, AKA Simon Peter was an early Christian leader; one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. In the Catholic Church, the first Bishop of Rome.

10. Pope: The Bishop of Rome as the head of the Catholic Church.

11. Purgatory: The holding place for the process of purification after death in the Roman Catholic Church.

12. Transubstantiation: The conversion of the Eucharist elements into the Body and Blood of Christ at consecration.

13. Eucharist: The Christian ceremony commemorating The Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed.

14. Mass: Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.

15. 95 Thesis: Written by Martin Luther in 1517 and is widely regarded as the initial launch for the Protestant movement.

16. Excommunication: To cut off from communion with a church by ecclesiastical sentence; to expel from membership.

17. Sacraments: A religious ceremony or act of the Christian church that is regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace, in particular.

18. Confirmation: The rite at which a baptized person affirms Christian belief and is admitted as a full member of the church.

19. College of Cardinals: The chief ecclesiastical body of the Roman Catholic church, electing and advising the pope.

20. Orthodox: Means correctly believing and glorifying.

21. Conclave & the process of Electing a New Pope:

22. Camerlengo:

 Know what occurred on the following dates

23. 33 AD: Jesus was crucified and his mortal body died. Three days later He resurrected and soon ascended into Heaven, leaving Christians with the promise that He would come back and gather all who are saved unto Himself.

24. 70 AD: The siege of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire.

25. 313 AD: Some call this the end of “Christianity” and the beginning of the “Christian Religion”. This was the year that Constantine announced that Rome would tolerate of Christianity.

26. 1054 AD: The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church(es) excommunicated each other.

27. 1095 AD: Medieval Crusades begin.

28. 1517 AD: Martin Luther posts 95 Theses on the Wittenberg Church

 Know the foundations of the following Protestant denominations

29. Seventh Day Adventist:

30. Jehovah’s Witness: Group of college kids started producing literature called Watchtower Publications based upon their scriptural readings. From these publications was born the Jehovah’s Witness movement.

31. Episcopalian: Began in the English reformation. Derived from the Church of England and still holds ties as well as history back to that church.

32. Pentecostal: The first occasion of Pentecostalism was in Topeka, Kansas in a Bible college where one lady said she received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other



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