Essay by 24 • November 12, 2010 • 558 Words (3 Pages) • 1,465 Views
I have had a lot of people ask me why am i atheist well i think its time to clarify this situation. First of all to all you "christians" out there do you realize that over half of the things that you practice in "penance" would make Jesus cringe? Did you know that every time you go to church you are "sinning"? Because in the bible the thing that you say is the word of "God" there is direction from Jesus in Matthew Chapter 6 Verses 5-6 that says worship in private do not do so in public. So Jesus is telling you right there do not push your religion on people and do not make a show or a theatrical statement of your religion.
So now to my beliefs there is no scientifical proof that Jesus ever existed!!!! All of you people reading this know it. The entire reason for religion was for people to explain the unknown. Now that man has the technology and ability to explain most occurences there is no need for religion!!! Here's another thought if Jesus was real why did no one here about him? He should have been the celebrity of the time as popular as Elvis or any one of the celebrities today and yet all we have are whispers that are passed from ear to ear and during each retelling being warped a little more until Jesus becomes an all powerful being of doom.
Homosexuality. That one word is something that you all run from and throw stones at as if it will invade your mind and corrupt you. Well what would you say if Jesus was gay? Actually in the bible in the "Gospel" of John there is an account of Jesus spending the night with a naked boy and teaching him the way of "God" well i'm sure he did along with a few tricks as well. So that almost proves it right there but maybe that's not enough for you. Well let's look at Jesus then. Here we have a man in his thirties who is unmarried in a culture in which it is unheard of for a man of this age to be unmarried not to