Clearway Hospital Case Study
Essay by Mariel Año • March 24, 2017 • Case Study • 885 Words (4 Pages) • 1,222 Views
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“Clearway Hospital”
Submitted by:
Año, Rose Mariel C.
Flores, Jan Sofia M.
Submitted to:
Engr. Annalyn Romero
September 24, 2016
The case details the issues faced by John Smiths, the Director of Clearway Hospital due to complaints from customers and even from employees themselves regarding support service and health care. Clearway Hospital caters patients with long term illnesses as well as patients who require extended periods of therapy that’s why customer’s satisfaction is very essential. The main challenge for them is identifying the problem and the implementation of necessary changes in preparation for the upcoming inspection for reaccreditation, as well as to avoid any further damage in the hospital’s image.
General Objective
To eliminate negative feedbacks and pass the reaccreditation by identifying the main problem and aid it with the best solution to secure quality service.
Specific Objectives
- To inform the employees about the importance of quality standards by means of providing seminars and trainings.
- To provide necessary solutions and strategy for implementation by hiring employees with sufficient knowledge about quality management.
- To set and maintain a certain quality standard to avoid reoccurrence of issues.
Clearway Hospital is experiencing support service issues that leads to patient’s dissatisfaction, it can also affect the upcoming reaccreditation and incur damages to the hospital.
The customer’s complaints such as cold meals and beds not being changed often enough are just symptoms of a greater problem. The workers are not skilled enough to provide quality service because they have different definitions of what quality is, because there is no certain quality standards and strategy to guide them. The management staffs are also lacking when it comes to quality assurance. And as a result, service issues occurred. In every company or organization, there must be a Quality Assurance Department to ensure that the customers are satisfied with the services they receive.
Figure 1. Root Cause Analysis
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The figure above shows that the root cause is the absence of Quality Assurance Department in the hospital.
Figure 2. Cause and Effect Diagram[pic 3]
The figure above shows that the cause of increasing number of complaints is because of poor management system.
AA No. 1 – Form a Quality Assurance Department
In order to provide necessary solutions, strategy for implementation and maintain a certain quality standard. The hospital must implement supportive organization-wide systems for quality improvement, such as seminars and trainings about quality improvement to help workers understand what quality is.
The Quality Assurance Department is also capable of providing strategies in implementing programs to secure quality services. They can also set and maintain a certain standard to avoid reoccurrence of issues.
- Provides solutions for service issues
- Creates strategy for implementation
- Maintains certain quality standard
- Additional Salary and Utility Expense
- Time Consuming
AA No 2. – Improve Management System
In order to disseminate informations and enforce the rules. The hospital must improve their management system to be able to monitor the services they provide and do corrective measure for errors.
- Implements Rules
- Strengthens Management System
- Time Saving
- Limited Improvement