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Cleopatra Thesis

Essay by   •  December 1, 2010  •  1,892 Words (8 Pages)  •  4,177 Views

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Cleopatra VII of the Ptolemaic dynasty was born in 69 B.C. Her name means, "Glory of the father." In Egypt, she was actually referred to as Kleopatras Basilisses, not Cleopatra. Her father was Ptolemy XII, and her mother was unknown. It is believed by some scholars that her mother could have been Cleopatra Tryphene, or a woman who belonged to the high priests of Memphis. Cleopatra was a very intelligent and wealthy little girl. At the early age of eighteen she inherited the throne with her co-ruler, Ptolemy XIII, who was eight years younger. Incredibly, he was both her brother and her husband. In the Ptolemaic dynasty, they often married their siblings to keep the throne in the family. It was either a father-daughter marriage or a brother-sister marriage. Soon Cleopatra met Julius Caesar and fell in love. Julius Caesar was a very popular leader in the Roman Empire. Cleopatra had a son with him named Caesarion. Their relationship continued until his death in 44 B.C. Throughout this time period Cleopatra was having a difficult time with her family. Her brother drowned in the Nile during the Alexandrian War, and she witnessed the murder of her older sister. After Julius Caesar's death, she met another Roman leader named Mark Antony. The provinces of the Roman Empire were divided after the defeat of the Republicans. Mark Antony received control over the East, along with the power over certain parts of Egypt. Like her relationship with Caesar, she was also with Antony for a very long time. Cleopatra had three children with him named Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphus. Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene were twins. During her relationship with Antony, Cleopatra left her military while in war, causing Antony to do the same. They both suffered a great loss for doing this. Many Egyptians considered her an enemy of their country because of what she had done. Later in 30 B.C., Antony committed suicide after being told by his enemy, Octavian, that Cleopatra had died. Suicide was a very common Roman way of a person dying. Upon hearing the news of Mark Antony's death, Cleopatra likewise took her own life. She held a poisonous snake (asp) and allowed it to bite her on the wrist and breast. The asp was delivered in a basket of figs. Cleopatra had been studying up on quick and painless deaths prior to this incident. Suicide was not a common Ptolemaic way of death. She was conscious of her appearance until the end of her life. She was found dead on a golden bed. She died on August 12, 30 B.C. Cleopatra committed suicide as a last resort. 1.) Cleopatra's support system with the important people in her life was gone. 2.) Cleopatra had no military to defend Egypt. 3.) Cleopatra's bad reputation caused her to have political issues.

Cleopatra's support system with the important people in her life was gone. During her lifetime, there were many deaths and tragic events that led to her suicide. Growing up, Cleopatra did not have a normal childhood. All that is known about her childhood is that it was luxurious and educational. Her father, Ptolemy XII, was ruler of Egypt, which made the family very rich and powerful. The exact date of his death is unknown, and it is believed that he died of natural cause. Cleopatra had learned from her father's many faults while he had been in power. Cleopatra had four brothers and sisters. Ptolemy VII was murdered at a very young age so he wasn't part of the dynasty. She witnessed the murder of one of her sisters at some unknown time. Cleopatra took over the throne at the age of eighteen when her father died. Her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII, was her co-ruler. He was eight years younger than her. He eventually drove Cleopatra from the throne and she fled to Syria. While he was in power, the Alexandrian War was fought between Egypt and Rome. During the war, Ptolemy XIII was going across the Nile River and drowned. Since there was no ruler after the death of Ptolemy XIII, Cleopatra returned from Syria and became ruler again with her other brother, Ptolemy XIV. They were soon married and became the royal couple of Egypt in 47 B.C. Although they were co-rulers, Cleopatra usually took charge while her brother stayed in the background. Cleopatra had two main loves in her life. The first one was Julius Caesar, and the second was Mark Antony. Julius Caesar was dictator of Rome. Cleopatra desperately wanted to meet him, so she wrapped herself in an oriental rug and hid on a boat with a shipment to be delivered to Caesar. It was love at first sight when the two of them met. They were together for a very long time. They even had a child together, despite the large difference in their ages. Their child was never publicly announced, because Caesar thought the people of Rome would reject the child. Caesar and Cleopatra broke off their relationship at one point. He went back to Rome and defeated other countries. He infamously said, "I came, I saw, I conquered". (1997 pg. 91) Cleopatra was heartbroken when Caesar was murdered on March 15, 44 B.C. This day is known as the Ides of March. She soon met Mark Antony who was a leader of Rome, and had been a friend of Caesar. He was very impressed when he met Cleopatra because of her great wealth and beauty. They had three children while they were together. Antony had already had another wife with children. He was also at this time seeing Octavia, the sister of Octavian. Although they did not always remain together as a couple, they continued to love each other for the rest of their lives. In 30 B.C., Antony went into depression and committed suicide. When Cleopatra heard of his death, she was so distraught and confused that she took her own life. Although they were not together at the time of their deaths, they both died for their love for each other.

Cleopatra had no military to defend Egypt. The Ptolemaic dynasty had control over the whole eastern Mediterranean. This area became the wealthiest, largest and one of the most influential places of its time. Cleopatra was queen of all of her people. Egypt was second in control after Rome in the Mediterranean basin. There had not been any major problems with the military since the dynasty had started back in 332 B.C. The army that protected this



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