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Cloning Will Not Benefit Society

Works Cited

Dixon, Patrick. Reasons Against Cloning. 26 July 2002

Holy Bible, King James Version. Anaheim, CA: Lockman Foundation, 1998.

Kayotic Development. Anti-Cloning Research. 22 July 2002

New Scientist: Raising The Dead 22 July 2002

Nussbaum, Martha C., and Cass R. Sunstein. Clones and Clones. W.W. Norton & Company.

New York. London, 1998

Pence, Gregory E., ed. Flesh Of My Flesh. Rowman & Little Field Publishers, Inc., Oxford, 1998

Roleff, Tamara L., ed. Biomedical Ethics Opposing Viewpoints. Greenhaven Press Inc.,

San Diego, CA, 1998

Silver, Lee M. Remaking Eden. Avon Books, New York, 1997

The Benefits Of Cloning 21 July 2002

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What is Cloning?

What the differences between Cloning and In Vitro Fertilization?

What are the Risks?

Will it benefit our society?

Does the government restrict cloning research?

Is cloning morally and ethically wrong?

Does it violate a person's individuality?

Who and when was the first clone?

Can human be cloned?

What is the US standpoint on cloning?

Is cloning "playing God"?

Where will cloning lead us as a society?

Will people learn to accept or reject cloning?

What are the religious aspects of cloning?

Who will be selected to be cloned?

Will cloning be out of hand?

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Cloning Will Not Benefit Society

Michael Jordan passes to Michael Jordan, he misses, rebound by Michael Jordan. MJ goes up for two, the basket counts!! Bulls win a 245-78 victory!! Imagine cloning a great superstar to dominate a sport, or a notorious leader like Adolf Hitler to rule a nation, with this in mind cloning can lead to endless possibilities. Producing clones would lead to a society with no diversity in which everything would be entirely the same. Cloning is a controversial topic in which the public denies it as inappropriate, while some scientific leaders say it can benefit our society. We have been able to clone many things from plants, vegetables, animals and maybe one day the human race. Today some scientist' have expressed their desire to be the first to clone a human with hopes of great triumph, but they have forgotten about the moral and religious issues on hand. Cloning should be banned because there are too many risks and not enough benefits for our society. Cloning would be creating a breed that has no flaws, and since perfection does not exist, the clone will be a great disappointment (Kayotic).

During the early twentieth century, the word clone was used to describe groups of plants that are propagated by the use of any form of vegetative parts. "Since then, cloning has been used to describe the process of when a cell, or group, is taken from one single organism to make an entirely new organism."(qtd. Silver 93) Scientist have been cloning plants and vegetable for a while now but cloning animals or human usually is not as easily. Many fail to realize that differences do exist in reproductive cloning, the cloning of a human being. The physical aspect of the clone is exact but the thoughts, memories and personality are not recreated. (Nussbaum 37) Man did not always create cloning. Nature also has its share in cloning. Identical twins are perfect examples of clones. Twins occur by chance in humans and other mammals, with the

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separation of a single embryo into halves at the early stage of development. Even twins are different by intelligence and personality. (30-31)

In February 1997, the world was stunned to find out that scientists from the Roslin Institute in Scotland had cloned a sheep. While this may have sounded like a breakthrough for science, what we were not told was that it took 277 attempts to finally get it right. It took twenty-nine embryo implants before the sheep was produced, which means that twenty-eight were miscarriages. (Roleff 34) Society probably would not accept human cloning considering the fact that a mother would have a great chance of having miscarriages. Another animal that was cloned was a cow. The cow was cloned by using cells taken from a portion of beef, 48 hours after it was slaughtered. The scientists select which cows they will clone depending on the quality of meat it will produce and they also look for desirable traits such as the ability to put on weight. (New Scientist) Will it be the same if human reproductive cloning accured? Will they only choose humans with specific characteristics to clone? This can also bring up racial or gender issues that can affect our society.

There are also ways in which therapeutic cloning, the cloning or growing of stem cells and tissue, that can help our society. Cloning organs or tissue without creating entire humans would be acceptable since you are not cloning a fully developed human. We could be able to clone heart cells to inject into damaged hearts. "There has been a breakthrough with human stem cell. Embryonic stem cells can be grown to produce organs or tissues to replace or repair



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