Essay by 24 • November 7, 2010 • 815 Words (4 Pages) • 1,231 Views
Cocaine is one of the worst drugs on the streets today. It has destroyed millions of lives and will hurt many more in the years to come. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America is a group that is concerned. They created a web site (located at that gives straight information on cocaine and every other known illicit drug. This information is invaluable to parents. With an enemy like cocaine people need all the information that they can get. The web site explains every thing about Cocaine. Cocaine is distributed in two main forms. Powder cocaine is a white crystalline substance. It is usually snorted through the nose, or in can be mixed with water and injected. This causes high that lasts for about 15 to 30 minutes. Crack cocaine is cocaine hydrochloride. Cooking cocaine with baking soda produces crack. The high from crack lasts about 5 to 10 minutes. Some people use it occasionally and others use it many times a day. No matter how much it is extremely addictive. The high produced by cocaine is a surge in energy, an extreme feeling of pleasure. If used heavily it can cause its victim to suffer from paranoia, aggression, insomnia, and depression associated withdrawal. Once it is out of the user's brain the user may experience depression, irritability, and fatigue. One of the main reasons people use cocaine is achieve an altered state of perception (the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events Text 125). When the brain is under the influence of cocaine it will perceive information from the environment differently. The main people use cocaine try to get a feeling of euphoria, this is when the mind perceives everything as positive. The feeling of euphoria only takes place while cocaine is in the user's brain once it leaves the brain; the mind perceives almost everything as negative. Another issue with the altered state of perception produced by cocaine is people hurting themselves or others while under the influence of cocaine. A person driving under the influence of cocaine has the extreme possibility of being overconfident (the tendency to be more confident than correct-- to overestimate the accuracy of one's beliefs and judgments text page 274). An overconfident driver not under the influence of cocaine can be a great danger. That danger is multiplied by ten when that person is on cocaine. One of the main problems with getting a user off cocaine is withdrawal (the discomfort and distress that follow discontinuing the use of an addictive drug text page 191). The symptoms of withdrawal associated with cocaine are paranoia, aggression, insomnia, and depression. These symptoms are one of the main reasons that it is hard for people to stop using cocaine. Another problem associated with cocaine withdrawal is that after a while of heavy cocaine use the user can only achieve happiness while under the influence of cocaine.