College Info
Essay by 24 • November 16, 2010 • 1,580 Words (7 Pages) • 1,377 Views
Though, as of this point in my life, I do not yet know what career I would like to pursue, or even what general field I would like to study or work in. I do have certain goals that I know I shall work to attain. These goals are fairly common among most people. Such as the goal of financial security, and financial ability to support a family; the goal of continuous intellectual and physical competitiveness; as well as a goal of general well being, and happiness. In America, many people with these goals go to a college or university in order to achieve them. Their path has been proven to be effective, and so I too have chosen to go to college.
I have learned that unfortunately colleges vary to great degrees, and that some will not satisfy me in achieving my goals. Because I must choose one college above another, I have compiled a set of requirements that I would like the college that I attend to fulfill
. My primary requirement for a college is that it have a broad program base, so that I may best discover and choose a career path that I would enjoy following. As well as a schools course selection, their actual facilities and physical resources are also important to me (such as library, computer rooms, workout facilities and other buildings). Ideally I would like to go to a medium or large sized college, because they generally best fulfill
this requirement, as well as they often have many career resources and connections. However a well equipped smaller college may also appeal to me. In regards of location, I would like to stay in the Northeast. I enjoy the cooler climate, and winter sports, and I would also like to be within six hours of home. Not to mention (actually I am mentioning, but whatever) the fact that my girlfriend is probably going to attend a SUNY school, and I would like to have the opportunity to continue our relationship.Though these requirements are rather broad, they are certainly not concrete. The college that I go to may indeed fulfill
all of these requirements, or may very well fulfill
none. As of right now these are only ideas of what I am looking for in a college, however a very different college may just find me, and I am very open to that possibility.
One school that I have been seriously considering is Alfred University of upstate New York. The reason I began to look at the school is because it appeared to be a school that may accept me (even with my grades). I first heard of Alfred at the school College Fair. The lady who was representing the University was nice enough to make me actually want to do more research on the school. Although it does appear my average of an 81 (and probably falling) may be a bit low, my new sat score of 1910 (old 1310) seems to get the job done. The lady representing Alfred said that I would get in with an 80, and my first SAT score, an 1890. The Princeton Review online states that the average sat score of acceptance to Alfred is an old 1190. The reason that I am now truly interested in Alfred is the positive reviews I have read of it on the internet, as well as the broad range of academics that Alfred is reported to cater to. Though they are most known for their Engineering school they also have a very comprehensive 25 major liberal arts program, including criminal justice, economics, human studies, education (up to high school level), psychology, and the social sciences, all of which interest me. They also have a business school in which I would most likely consider as either a minor, second major or maybe (not likely) my first major. The most negative thing that I have read about Alfred, is that it is out in the middle of Ð'.... guess. NOWHERE!!! However despite the capital letters I don't think that I would truly have too much of a problem with that, considering I have a two hour commute each morning, which I don't mind, how bad could it be. Plus if it really is in the middle of nowhere, there absolutely has to be a ski mountain around for winter time.
Now comes the reach school, Northeastern University. I went to visit Northeastern on a college trip up to Boston to visit B.C., B.U., and Northeastern. I liked B.C. a lot but don't really have any chance in making it, didn't like B.U. (but again didn't have a chance), and liked Northeastern a lot too. Though the people there who showed us around did indeed make me feel like I had a chance in getting in, when I got home to look at that damned Naviance I no longer felt good about my chances, but absolutely horrid. Now after taking the SAT twice I do indeed look better than just my PSAT showed, but my chances are still quite slim. The average GPA from Bronx science accepted is about an 87 and the avg. SAT a 1320, placing me "inside the box" (you know on Naviance, that damned square). The worst part about it though, isn't that I'm in the box, its that the place that is directly around my space within the box is devoid of acceptances, but full of rejections. This point of realization was also the one in which I desperately wished I could go back in time to develop some sort of unique or necessary talent in some instrument, or something which might make me different from those rejections. However, that wish was not granted