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Colorado Smoking Ban

Essay by   •  March 12, 2011  •  717 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,019 Views

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In public places where smoking is permitted, children, non smokers and workers are exposed to numerous chemicals that come from second hand smoke. These victims have no voice in how to avoid being exposed to second hand smoke, until now. On July 1, 2006, the state of Colorado became the 13th state to ban smoking in most public places. Most smokers contested the ban, not taking into consideration the countless victims their second hand smoke affected. There are many reasons that the ban is right for Colorado, the main being the protection of the victims second hand smoke can harm.

Children and Second hand Smoke

An estimated 3,000 deaths from lung cancer and 35,000 deaths from heart disease each year in people who do not smoke are caused by second hand smoke, according to the American Lung Association (unknown author, 2006). Second hand smoke especially hurts the fetus, newborns and children of all ages. A research study by the National Jewish Medical Center, found that when a woman smoked during pregnancy, the fetus received lower amounts of oxygen and higher amounts of carbon monoxide. This increases the risk of still birth, premature birth, low weight and shorter length (National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 2006). The American Lung Association states that children who breathe second hand smoke are more likely to suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and other lung diseases. Second hand smoke also increases and prolongs the number of childhood colds and ear infections (unknown, 2006). The National Jewish Medical Center also found, that children in households where one or both parents smoked have twice the amount of bronchitis, pneumonia cases and are hospitalized more frequently before their first birthday than children of non-smoking parents (National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 2006). Many families these days look for an easy dinner plan and the local restaurant is an easy find. Many of these establishments allowed smoking. Even with the proper ventilation system in place, people still are not safe from second hand smoke. The only way to protect oneself from the smoke is to stay away from it completely. Children can not choose whether or not they are victims of second hand smoke, but the parents in their lives can. Keeping children of any age away from the harsh chemicals of second hand smoke can possibly save their lives.

People in the Workplace

Many workers in the food service and bar industry find they have to inhale second hand smoke in order



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