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Common Sense

Essay by   •  October 20, 2010  •  680 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,861 Views

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1) What is Common Sense?

common sense


Sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment.


So bascily it means you have the ability to make a good call. Place hand on hot stove? Well thats common sense.

2) Brain verse Software

So you have a cracker made by someone that knows what they are doing. That makes you Mr. Know-it-all right? WRONG. Big time no-no. As a programmer I'm glad they want to share with you but frankly you still know nothing but how to push a button and load a file. This does not make you "l33t".

Now by gaining information about the account you want to attempt cracking then making a small wordlist containing what you believe will have the correct passcode in it and then running it threw your own cracker, manually, or someone elses is a BIG improvement.

Yes the best damn cracker known to man is someones mind. If you think "someones mind" is a program that you can download please close this file now and may god have merce on us all.

So if this file is still open then I suggest poppin' the top off the two liter of mountain dew and conutine reading.

3) Research

During my time I have come across an interesting theory. When people

of the net choice a password it is one that will not likey be guessed.

Most passwords can be found in common password list among the net.

Yet why spend hours running a password list of 100,000 words when you

could own the account with in 10 or 100 passwords?

So whats the key to making this work? PUBLIC MEMBER PROFILES!

People of the net take time and effort in making their password safe. Yet

something they can still remember. Then after you have an account whats

the point unless other people know its you on that screename. Profile editing time. So you fill out a few input queryies and update your profile.

How does that tell me their password? Well allow me to show a few examples

Real Name: Bob

okay well bob's password was "bobby"

Lastest News: Playing fetch with my black lab

okay well the password was "blacklab"

Username: ----5576

Okay well I replaced the name with dashes but left the numbers his password was "5576"

As you can see these people have gone and placed their

password for all

to see with



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