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Communion Practices Divide Christians

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Communion Practices Divide Christians

Communion has been the subject of some recent high-profile debates, ranging from calls to deny the Sacrament to Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry, to a decision to revoke the first communion of an 8-year-old Roman Catholic girl because she ingested a non-wheat wafer. (Broadway, B., 2004)

The meaning of communion and its practices in churches have been a continuous discussion by members of different religions around the world for centuries. While the receiving of Holy Communion may mean different things to different people, globally, the Sacrament is a time when persons of similar beliefs and faith come together to eat of the body of Christ (bread), and drink of His blood (wine) in solemn remembrance of Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross.

This review will focus on the importance of religion in human societies, what is Holy Communion (the Eucharist), the purpose of the Sacrament, misconceptions on receiving communion and who or what determines who receives it. References to church law in the review relate to "Canon Law" which is the body of laws and regulations made by or adopted by ecclesiastical authority, for the government of Christian organizations (the church) and its members. (Catholic Encyclopedia, 2003)

Religion in Human Societies

Religion is a cultural universal and plays an important role in human societies. Emile Durkheim was perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the importance of religion in human societies. (Schaefer, R. T., 2003). In his research, Durkheim viewed religion as a set of beliefs and practices specifically connected to religion as opposed to other institutions. Following his direction, contemporary sociologists study the norms and values of religion through their own religious beliefs and through the interpretation of the Bible by Christians and the Koran by Muslim groups. Despite the widely spread discussions of conflict between Christians and other religions, most are monotheistic, that is, they base their faith on a single deity and include belief in the afterlife and judgment day.

What is Holy Communion?

Holy Communion, the Eucharist, or the Lord's Supper as described from a Christian perspective is the Sacrament established by the Lord Jesus Christ during His last meal with the disciples. The loaf of bread broken into pieces represents the body of Christ in which we partake as believers. The cup of wine signifies the new covenant, a cleansing through the blood of Christ. In the New King James Version of the Bible, we find:

"And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me." Likewise, He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you." (Luke 22:19-22).

Christians believe that in partaking of Holy Communion you are accepting Christ as your Lord and Life, yielding yourself to Him. Each person who wishes to partake should come with a humble heart, focused on Him.

The significance of the Sacrament for the Presbyterian believer is the spiritual presence of Christ. The bread and wine represent those things that God is doing inwardly in each of us, the most important being feeding us spiritually and uniting us with Christ and each other. The Lord's Supper reminds us that Christ, the Spirit of God, dwells within each one of us, and regardless of denominational and personal theology, and beliefs, we are all connected.

Acts 20/20 Ministries defines Holy Communion as "one of two ordinances given to the church by the Lord Jesus Christ," and is observed whenever Christians desire to have special fellowship and communion with the Lord and other Christians.

The Purpose of Holy Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated periodically to deeply impress on a believer's heart the great redemptive act Christ performed at Calvary. (Apostolic Christian Church Practices, 2002) The Apostolic Christian Church expresses the purpose of Holy Communion to symbolize a believer's spiritual union with the body of Christ, the church, and by taking the Sacrament one indicates he/she is at peace with God and man.

Catholic Church doctrine tells us that Holy Communion is morally necessary for salvation, and without this Sacrament, it is difficult to resist temptation and avoid grievous sin. It is necessary for those in a state of grievous sin to make confession before receiving communion.

There is a wide diversity of practice in Methodist churches and the participation in Holy Communion varies. Holy Communion in Methodist understanding is a service that includes both Word and Sacrament. A series of prayers and responses by the congregation are said, then the Minster invites members to 'draw near in faith' to receive the Sacrament. For some it is the heart of discipleship, while others view it as a means of grace to be treasured. A small group of Methodists perceives it as neither desirable nor necessary. In May 2004, the United Methodist Church passed a resolution urging congregations to offer Communion weekly rather than monthly in an effort to "reshape the focus on Communion." (The Daily News, September 2004)

Misconceptions about the Sacrament of Holy Communion

Since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Catholics' frustration about Catholic politicians who ignore church teachings on abortion and support a contrary position continues to increase. Within the past few years, some bishops have publicly asked such politicians to refrain from participating in Holy Communion. This request received a response from Catholic members of Congress who felt that it was unfair to be singled out by public criticism for doing their civic duty. The United States Constitution gives the natural human right of religious freedom, allowing everyone to profess faith according to his/her conscience. Catholic teachings use guidelines to aid in the formation of a person's conscience in judging the right or wrong moral principles in the day-to-day circumstance of life.

There are those Christians who think that the Holy Sacrament is a symbol that indicates they who receive it are more spiritual than others are, and are hypocrites if they remain after service and communicate with those persons who did not stand at the altar. Some indicate that they would participate in communion if persuaded that they are spiritually worthy. They are concerned with what those around them think and of offending God.

Methodists have always practiced open communion, inviting anyone who needs



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