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Compare Presidential Canidates

Essay by   •  May 6, 2011  •  580 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,444 Views

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Compare and Contrast Presidents

The presidential election is coming around again. The candidates are the most diverse of any time before. The boundaries of political profiling have begun to be broken down. The general public minds is opening up to the possibility of a president who is not a Caucasian male. Two of those presidential candidates are Barrak Ohama and Hillary Clinton. A women and an african American man. They are minorities who have never before been reconginized as being elligebile to run for the presidency. Having them in the running demonstrates great leaps for acceptance and diversity with in our nation. While both are minorities and democratic candidates who share similar view points , yet they also have striking differences regarding hot button issues.

One of the most pertinent hot topic issue on the forefront of politics is the war in Iraq. At first look , many may believe that both Clinton and Barrak share the same views. Yet if you investigate the issue further , you realize its not that cut and dry. Barrak stands firm in his views against the war and has from the beginning. Whereas Clinton originally voted in favor of it , and has recently come around. While both candidates favor peace and the removal of troops from Iraq, Barrak has been more forceful in his call for the end of the war from the very start. Clinton at the start of the Iraq war voted in favor of it going forwards. She has also voted for bills that would further the war. On the other hand Barrak , while not in office at the time , has stood strong in his convictions and at no time supported the war.

Another touchy topic in politics is that of abortion. Most democratic candidates support the right to choose; as do Barrak and Clinton. They both stand firm on a women's right to choose. Yet Clinton holds a much stronger view on abortion and has been must more vocal about pro-active ways of making abortion a healthy



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