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Compare and Contrast of Two Scientific Advances - Plants Interact with Others to Help Them Grow

Essay by   •  January 21, 2018  •  Lab Report  •  495 Words (2 Pages)  •  966 Views

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GAC013 Assessment Event 2: Case Study Investigation

Compare and Contrast of Two Scientific Advances:

Plants interact with others to help them grow

Student’s Name:        Kishi Theodora

Student ID #:                GAC007

Teacher:                Christine Kartamiharja

Due Date:                28 November 2017

Word Count:                750

Table of Contents

Abstract        2

1.0        Introduction        2

2.0        Methodology        2

3.0        Findings        3

4.0        Discussion        3

5.0        Conclusions and Recommendations        4

References        4


This report is based on a secondary research conducted to compare two scientific advances regarding learning a second language.

  1. Introduction

Plants is really important for us in our daily life. For example  they produce 02 for us to breath every day  to live, that is why we need a lot of plants to photosynthesis a lot or 02 for us, reduce flood, etc. There are internal and external source to help the plants growht. For this research,  The first topic is why plants have to follow the  lights for them to grow . while for The second topic is communication between plants to plants is important for them to grow. This research is to find out which topic has more scientific knowledge,

  1. Methodology

To conduct this research the method use was secondary research. All the informations gathered in this report are from the findings in the internet.

  1. Findings

According to Science Daily (2013), learning a new language can be done with different methods – linguistic or non-linguistic.

  1. Discussion

When two of the scientific advances compared, their contribution to the human progress differ. For the first scientific advance, having different abilities might affect the learning skills more that specific ability and talent.

  1. Conclusions and Recommendations

This research concludes that when learning a new language, linguistic skills are proven that it is not the most important factor. Learning a second language can be done with various methods and styles a



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