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Comparison Between The Experiment And Animal Farm

Essay by   •  November 30, 2010  •  301 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,020 Views

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These are two very good stories, one is fictional (Animal Farm), and the other is inspired by a true story (The Experiment). But therefore, they share one very common aspect: power. These two stories demonstrate how humans (or animals) abuse of the power they are given.

The Experiment.

In this story, the leader is Berus, backed by all the other prison guards. There is therefore one unusual aspect, the scientists, whom supposevly have ultimate power over everyone. We later learn than the power of the prison guards overpass the scientists power. The exploited ones are the prisonners. It only took a few days before the power of the prison guard becomes out of control, instead of bringing peace (their initial job), they brought disorder and fear.

Animal Farm

In this story, the leader is Napoleon, backed by all the pigs. There is therefore one unusual aspect, the humans, whom supposevly have ultimate power over all the animals. We later learn than the power of the animals overpass the humans power. The exploited ones are the rest on the animals. It only took a few months before the power of the pigs becomes out of control, instead of bringing more food, less work and no abuse by humans, the pigs brought a state of monarchy, exploitation and human-like behavior.

As you can see, The two stories are very similar, in both, we can see how power is powerful

--duh--. From these stories we can learn that if someone or something has power without limits, 90% will abuse of it(1). We can also make a parallel

with any other situation; parlament, classroom, family etc... Although some of those examples are less extreme, their is still power over people.

(1) In the film The Experiment, there was 10 prison



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