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Condom Distribution

Essay by   •  November 27, 2010  •  492 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,554 Views

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Condom Distribution

About 45% of American teenage girls are sexually active and of that one third, approx. 820,000, get pregnant every year. There are many teens that do not know that there are ways to have sex that is safe and will not risk pregnancy and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Without anyone to tell these kids that there are alternatives to having unprotected sex, how are they supposed to know that there are other ways out there? The government should distribute condoms to high school students across the US.

First, the students have the right to know that they can have sex without the risk of pregnancy or STDs. The reason why 1/3 of teenage female population is pregnant is that they do not know about condoms, birth control, and other methods of contraception. If the government were to pass out condoms and inform teens about other forms of protection the number would decrease dramatically. They would know what it looks like, feels like, and where they could purchase them. The students have the right to know but the government is taking that right away from them.

Next, there should be an alternative to abstinence. If you tell teens not to have sex, that will give them more of a reason to do it. They should be able to share love for one another without giving their partner a disease or getting them pregnant. In some religion premarital sex is a sin, but not all people are religious. We live in a country where every kind of beliefs is accepted. Most teens want to have sex with or without protection so the government has to realize that they should get as many teens as they can using protection.

Lastly, condom distribution will reduce the numbers of pregnant and diagnosed teens with STDs. If the government tells people about condoms and gives them out, teens will listen and use them. This will not just lower the number of pregnant teens, but it will also lower the number



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