Conquest, Empire, and International Influence, It Is Indeed Possible for one’s Reach to Exceed one’s Grasp
Essay by scooter9605 • May 1, 2018 • Research Paper • 2,552 Words (11 Pages) • 988 Views
Essay Preview: Conquest, Empire, and International Influence, It Is Indeed Possible for one’s Reach to Exceed one’s Grasp
- ” In matters of conquest, empire, and international influence, it is indeed possible for one’s reach to exceed one’s grasp” (WOI)
This is a very thought-provoking life lesson. This life lesson came to use during the discussion of Alexander the great. Alexander was the king of Macedonia. Alexander inherited the kingship form his father Phillip of Macedonia. Alexander inherited a very strong and experienced army. He himself was a great tactician and leader. Alexander defeated the Persian empire and the continued to march across Asia. He is one of the only leaders to have never lost a battle. In this conquest Alexander started what would be known as the Hellenistic Period. During this time Europe, Asia, and Africa experienced prosperity and progress in many areas of art and culture. This was all do to Alexander and the influence that her left on them. Alexander wanted to reach as far as the great sea but was unable. After years of war, his army mutinied. Being exhausted and afraid of what they would encounter the wanted to go back to there home lands. Alexander returned to Babylon and ruled until his untimely death. Before his body was even cold his empire began to fall apart. Without a plan of succession and the strong leader that amassed this great empire it tore itself in to pieces. The Generals fought for control of this land until it was divided into 4 kingdoms. This was the greatest example of political over reaching. Alexander had grown his empire to the point where it could not survive without him. When I heard this story, I could not help but think about my time spent in the country of Iraq. I was deployed there in 2006-2007. The united stated liberated a country that was ran by a dictator. It seemed like we had done a great thing. When I was there the Iraq people where happy that Saddam Hussain was gone. While I was there I witnessed the country fall into civil war. To this day, Iraq is a country that is at war. The Sunni’s and the Shia are battling. I didn’t understand what this was all about. We had freed them from there oppressor and they hated us and each other. We pulled out of Iraq and I think might have left it worse. This made me sad because I have lost many friends to this war. It has never really made sense to me. After talking about Alexander, it makes more sense. we over reached with our politics. We are democratic country that did not understand the politics that we were diving into. With out a strong dictator like Hussain the country could not hold itself together. After we left it feel apart and was over ran by Isis. I am not saying that we should not help those who need it. I am very proud if my service and how I helped those that I met. I this that this is another example of how we can over reach. I think the same could be said for the Vietnam war. I do not think either of these armed endeavors are conflicts that we can say we won. Learning from are past can help us to make wiser choices about how we react to our future. This also brings up my next point
- Military Power alone is an insufficient form of dominance to maintain a civilizations long term influence. (WOI)
This Life lesson was discussed during the discussion about the Assyrian empire and the Phoenicians. The Assyrians where a major kingdom and Empire in the Mesopotamian region. They were a great Empire that had a great Army. The Assyrians conquered much of Mesopotamia and Egypt. This Army had a military that was breathtaking. When they would conquer a civilization, some populations would just give up. they had ruled with a heavy hand and became one of the most hated conquers of ancient times. The Assyrian Empire did not last. It was literally 56 years from the zenith of the empire until it crumbled. Think about this time frame. A military that is so mighty that they could conquer most of what is known at the time, yet they only last a little over 50 years. I think this point yet again can be related to the war in Iraq that I took part in. we as America have a might army. I know I was a part of it. We go all over the world using that might. We may think that we are doing what is right and just but are we? Could we use this power to the point where we become hated? When I was in Iraq I saw what was joy on the faces of the people that we liberated. Over the course of my stay I started to see a shift in the people that we had freed. They no longer wanted us there. The Iraqis were tired of this great military might that had their boot over top of the neck of the people. We as Americans may not think that we were helping them but after we had been there for a while they did not feel that way. This is another life lesson that I think we as Americans should take to heart. Just because we have the military might does not mean that we should always use it. Political situations do not always need to be handled with a military show. These life lessons that we learned help me make sense of what I have seen in my life. They Also help me look at how I can handle my say and vote in the future. I to was a war hawk at one point. I am not saying that we should not have a military. It is very important to protect ourselves. We need to find other ways to resolve situations before we use our military. It may just be our demise. Yet again this point brings up my next
- You and I are the “inheritors of the ages” (WOI)
We were introduced to this life lesson early on when we studied Sumer. We learned about all the was bequeathed to us from this civilization. The Sumerians gave us things such as irrigation and the wheel. They gave us math and calendars. These amazing people took nothing thought of these amazing inventions that we have built upon and turned into our amazing world we enjoy today. We also discussed this with the Phoenicians. A civilization that was no where as mighty as the Assyrians and no way as organized. Yet they gave us the alphabet that we use today. We used this Idea when we talked about the great philosophers of Greece. They gave us metaphysics that we still debate about to this day. All of these amazing inventions that we have taken and made better are why we live in the amazing time that we do. If one of these amazing men and women had not done what they have done would we be where we are today? Better yet, would we be able to do what they did and further our civilization today? Those are amazing questions that we need to think about. This life lesson is what I have been struggling with for the last ten years. We stand on the shoulders of giants who made the world a better place. What am I doing to make it a better place? I have inherited this age of technology because of so many other great people. I need to do something to better my world. that is why I have decided to start my college education. I know that I need to continue to learn to give back the world for years to come. That is where my next idea comes in.