Consumerism Of The American
Essay by 24 • December 4, 2010 • 1,202 Words (5 Pages) • 1,693 Views
In today's modern world, we would expect people focusing on remove the planet's social ills such as poverty but we are not living by perfect system, there are many imbalances and for each problem that is solved a new one arises. Our main issue involves the disagreements surrounding American consumerism.
The articles we studied depict three different points of view of people who have recognized problems in our modern world. They address their views in different ways. We are presented with facts that persuade our bias to all three articles.
Our aim in this report is to filter out what we believe is really taking place in our world and present it along with our clued up opinion on this issue.
After reading a lot of the ols discusions i have come to the assupmtion that a lot
of people have taken Athele Wills as very biased and have chosen to ignore the valid points that Athele Wills is making. I believe that Athele Wills facts are the main reason that people have taken this negative attitude towards her. Athele Wills has claimed facts that show the US as being a nation that is prospering at the expence of other nations. This is not true and a single nation cannot be blamed for prospering, just because there are so many other nations that have not done the same. Athele Wills makes extreme comparisons which could show her passion in writing this articl but could also so her inexperience and unproffesional approach.
Athele Wills strong examines the marketing strategy of the big American multi-national corporations. Athele Wills believes that they are the soul party responsible for the behaviour of the Ameriacan people. The argument
is bassed on the US consumption being the reason that the rest of the world is starving.
I believe that Athele Wills is wrong on that behalf, her examples are valid but her reasons on solving the problem arent.
The food consumption problem is an example. Athele Wills believes that a change in Americas eating habits will rid the world of poverty, well thats how she puts it across. What she fails to realise is that if there is no demand the supply will not occur and if there is no money to pay the goods will never be supplied to you.
Athele Wills has a go at America for the public being abusers of petrol compared to the rest of the world. Human nature is to abuse what is plentiful. It occurs all over the world. In any case the US fuel conflict should be resolved with the take over of the oil industry by Saudi Arabia.
I believe that Athele Wills has proven one point which is relatively hard to solve. She highlights the fact that the very people who are growing the food arent getting the survival portion of it. They arent getting the necessity amounts they require to survive.
The second article written by Charles Krakoff is in complete opposition to the first.
He argues every claim made by Mrs Wills. He as a pro - American comes through quiet obviously in his article with some of his claims, he is a trade and investment consultant which should make his views more informed therefore more credible but I feel he let the emotion that was expressed in wills article also come out in his, I think he let patriotism come in the way of facts, his arguments were never properly backed up, He argues his point across by eliminating the blame from America and showing it's a global problem or just refuting Mrs wills claims completely for example he wrote that the average American is no more ignorant then the average south African which is something that no one can prove or really debate. Krakoff puts forward that it is not the U.S.A.'s responsibility for starvation in other countries such as in Africa, which then can be said that no 1 is responsible for the poor and they should learn how not 2 be poor whilst trying to survive. He states that everyone in the world wastes food; but he failed to grasp the point that i think Athele wills was trying to get across the fact that America does waste food and huge amounts of it while also turning a blind eye to the starving.
Also, I think, his belief that there