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Controlling Reproduction

Essay by   •  March 2, 2011  •  911 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,284 Views

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Using reproductive hormones to alter human fertility.

Fertility is the capability to produce offspring therefore infertility is the incapability to produce offspring. Infertility can arise in both males and females and can be acquired through inheritance or psychological problems. In men infertility can come by failing to gain or maintain an erection, a low sperm count or vas deferens; a blockage or structural defect which can obstruct sperm movement. In women it can be due to antibodies in the cervix which may damage or destroy sperm cells. These are just a few examples.

Infertility is a major problem in today’s society; as many as 1 in 6 couple require specialist help. These specialists can use many hormonal treatments to help couples overcome the difficulties of infertility and help the couple conceive. Gonadotropin’s can be used to induce ovulation in women who cannot ovulate due to low levels of FSH and LH. Two of the main gonadotropins are Luteinising Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH). These are injected under the skin and into the bloodstream. FSH then stimulates the development of the follicle in the ovary and LH induces ovulation and development of the corpus luteum. Therefore this can help couples conceive. There are to types of Gonadotropin medications, ones contains equal amounts of both LH and FSH. These are available in America and go by the name of Humegon, Pergonal or Repronex. The other form is genetically engineered FSH. Also available in America and go by the trade names Gonal F or Follistim. This treatment can result in 80-90% of women conceiving. However there are many side affects of using this form of treatment. Using gonadotropin’s can result in multiple pregnancies. This means that women who use gonadotropins are more likely to conceive twins or higher order pregnancies. Physicians may be able to monitor the number of follicles that are developing and can control the multiple pregnancy rates. I think that this treatment is very unethical as you cannot determine if the woman will have multiple pregnancies and if she does she runs the risk of causing multiple pregnancy foetuses to have long-term disabilities as they are likely to be born prematurely. A nicer form of inducing ovulation is the use of oestrogen-like drugs that induce the release of FSH from the pituitary gland. These are taken oral in the form of a pill and do not have any long-term side effects. I think this is a much better treatment as you do not have the risk of multiple pregnancies and the side effects are only short term e.g. dizziness, nausea etc.

Though there are many ways in which to help women conceive for various reasons, there are also many reproductive hormone contraception that can stop the likelihood of conceiving. The most common type of hormonal contraception are oral contraceptive pill’s (OCP’s). These can be Combined OCP’s or low dose “mini pills”. Combined OCP’s contain a combination of oestrogen and progesterone. Oestrogen and Progesterone control the negative feedback of LH and FSH. Therefore taking dosage’s of oestrogen and progesterone



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