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Essay by   •  November 13, 2010  •  547 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,440 Views

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About twelve years ago, the biggest event that could ever happen in my life happened. When I was six years old my mom died, and ever since then, everything has been different. At the time, I was too little to understand what happened to her and why she died, but I knew that something was wrong. A brain tumor had developed in her head when she was pregnant with my youngest sister, Emily. They had to cut her stomach open, perform a cesarean section, and take Emily out because if they did not, she would have died too. Emily was born a month early and never got to meet our mom. As of right now, I do not think she or my other sister, Sabrina, knows how she died because at the time they were too young. No one ever offered to tell them and they have not asked.

For a long time I thought that she died from having a heart attack and that was the reason they had to cut Emily out, but not too long ago I found out what really happened. We ended up in the newspaper because my dad was a single father raising four kids on his own and we were called The Fab 5.

The saying, “You do not realize what you have until it’s taken away from you” is, I have come to realize, very true. Everything happens so fast that all one can do is watch; one feels useless because nothing can be done to help. I don’t know how people can fight with their mom or treat their mom badly. When I hear people say that they hate their mom, it makes me mad because they do not realize how lucky they are to even have one. I want scream out and explain that when the one mom that they have is gone, they will wish that they were nicer to her and they will realize that all she was trying to do was protect them and look after them. I would also tell them that they would get used to not having a mom after awhile but they will never be completely used to it.

It has been a long time since my mom died and it is getting to the point where I cannot remember



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