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Essay by   •  July 8, 2011  •  962 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,285 Views

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Who’s Crazy and What Do We Do With Them? From the Webster’s Dictionary:Main Entry:1craÐ'*zyPronunciation:Л?krÐ"Ѓ-zÐ""Function:adjectiveInflected Form(s):craÐ'*ziÐ'*er; craÐ'*ziÐ'*estDate:15661 a: full of cracks or flaws : unsound <they were very crazy, wretched cabins вЂ" Charles Dickens> b: crooked, askew2 a: mad, insane <yelling like a crazy man> b (1): impractical <a crazy plan> (2): erratic <crazy drivers> c: being out of the ordinary : unusual <a taste for crazy hats>3 a: distracted with desire or excitement <a thrill-crazy mob> b: absurdly fond : infatuated <he's crazy about the girl> c: passionately preoccupied : obsessed <crazy about boats>

That’s the world’s definition of crazy and everyone goes by it. No one really has there own meaning of crazy. People think people who are singing loudly on the train to people in mental institutions are crazy. They think homeless people to people who dance stupidly are crazy. Our society thinks that once we see these people we automatically think that they should get help, whether we say it in a humorous tone or an actual serious tone. Though we have many people in society with actual mental issues, such as depression, I do not think that most of them need to automatically need to be institutionalized to be turned back to their “normal” sense of mind; some of these might just actually be pretty sane in their own right.The book, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, is a film about a man named R.P. McMurphy. In order for McMurphy to stay out of his work order from prison, he tries to get out of it by going to a mental institution which he thinks is going to be a walk in the park, or so he thought it was. He later learns the horrors of mental institutions at that time and, though he is completely sane, he gets crazy treatments for his “abnormal” behavior such as excruciatingly painful shock treatments and a mind numbing lobotomy that permanently turns him “normal”Also in the book many of the characters in the book show signs of being normal and not in need of any sort of treatment. For example a patient named Dale Harding, is the President of the Patients council and show signs of normalcy when in the beginning of the book he is arguing with McMurphy on who is the craziest and he says “ Bibbit! You tell Mr. McMurphy I’m so crazy I voted for Eisenhower twice!” That shows he is normal and is aware of his surroundings. He knows about what is going on politics and many other things.Another coherent character that seems very normal is Billy Bibbit. Billy Bibbit is a 31- year вЂ"old man that lost his virginity at that age because his mother babied him a lot and caused him to believe that he was still a very young man. Billy has a really horrible stutter that sometimes even blocks him from speaking coherently but one big climax for him that shows that he is indeed normal is after he has sex with Candy, a friend of McMurphy, he loses his stutter for a moment. For that moment he did not remember his mother or Big Nurse, he thought about himself. When Nurse Ratched found him after his night of debauchery he says a clear, “Good Morning Ms. Ratched; this is Candy.” This shows that he was



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