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Creative Problem Solving Skills

Essay by   •  November 5, 2010  •  1,387 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,499 Views

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The objective of this section to discussed on the development of creative problem solving as a management competency toward achieving the organization goals.

Problems are encounters by everybody, whether it is serious, urgent or growth is catalyst towards success. As I have chosen To Adopt Creative Problem Solving as my core competency, by exploring and discussing the topic will develop and equip my management skill by recognising self-potential contributing creative solutions to my organisation.


My current post as a Senior Auditor with Bank Rakyat requires me to lead a group of internal auditors that requires skills of management. As an auditor; skills and knowledge about the rules and regulation are very important to gain self confidence and a good perception to Audi tees.

The job that I am holding now also requires me to present an Audit Report which consists of findings and problems, and suggestion solution for the problem. Currently auditors task emphasis on management audit, that added value to the management for improvement and achievement of the organization goals. Creative problem solving skills became very important for auditors; suggestion for organization improvement.


3.3.1 Competency Diagnosis

According to Hoover, J. and Valenti, A: (2006): A confident leader will always look for the best way of doing things.

As an internal auditors team leader; supervising an independence audit on the work process of departments and branches, I feel that Creative Problem Solving is really important to gives remarkable effects to my careers and organisation success.

3.3.2 Skill Assessment

To become an effective leader, I believe that different skills are required for each type of problem and creative problem solving ability; separate career success from career failures.

As an Internal Auditor, I produced an Audited Reports consist of suggestions or solutions for a problem raised. The reports were presented to the Management and Board of Directors of the organization.

Generating fast solutions is my strength; however on the weakness points is ineffectiveness' of the solution. I have been notified by my superior regarding a few solutions suggested in the report that doesn't really define the problems and generate the best alternative solutions. The steps that I used were only defining the problem and generate solution. Referring to the table 41% was rejected.

Diagnose Performance Ð'- Audited Report produce from January to August 2006

Audited Report Produce Problem Raise Solution Suggested Solution Rejected Percentage of Rejected

Main Branch 9 9 4 44%

Jerantut Branch 2 2 1 50%

Jengka Branch 4 4 2 50%

Setiawan Branch 3 3 1 33%

Teluk Intan Branch 1 1 0 0%

Sri Aman Branch 1 1 0 0%

Pending Branch 2 2 1 50%

Temerloh Branch 2 2 0 0%

Bayan Baru Branch 3 3 2 67%

Total 27 27 11 41%


3.4.1 Positive/Effective

Creative problem solving being implemented for a financial crisis faces by Bank Rakyat. A few level of brainstorming session being conducted regarding the competition problem currently arise from the others commercial Bank venturing or start focusing on the retail personal loan/financing that was once monopolised by Bank Rakyat.

The first level of the session being conducted defining and identifying the problem involving the lower and middle management.

Second level of the session involved the middle management to generate alternative solutions to compete and maintain the captured market. It is related to the importance of creativity skill for individuals and business to survive and grow. It is encourage that imagination is important than knowledge. All of the alternative solutions are listed.

Third level of the session involved the top management to evaluate the best fit solution.

The Fourth level, implementation of the solution is currently being plan by the Operation Banking Division for competitive advantage.

The positive ness of the solution, taking into consideration the criteria needed for future growth and global competition.

3.4.2 Negative/Ineffective

In the year 1999, Bank Rakyat over rule the regulation the needs for the customers to pay or buy insurance to secured the loan or financing amount. Its base on the customers complains additional expenses bear by them. The solution chosen is for the Bank to bear the lost if the customers dies, base on the previous insurance payment of RM 2 million per annum.

Starting from the year 2004 onward, the Bank realise that the amount keep increasing with the loan growth of 20% to 30% per annum. In early 2006 the Bank started to make it as a choice for the customer, weather to take insurance or not.

The ineffectiveness of the solution didn't take into consideration a long term effect, an annual lost for the Bank of an average RM 5 million per year and keep increasing.

3.4.3 Improvement of Negative/Ineffective

The above ineffectiveness can be improved if the management; Emphasis on understanding on the real problem and problems complained by customers and at the same time the Bank has to protect the interest of the shareholder. Granting freedom to generate ideas by choosing the best solution fit the criteria set for solution. One of the criteria should be the long term effect, because the loans are given for a period of 5 to 10 year. Follow the Success Series steps of problem solving process; identifying the problem, gathering



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