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Daniel 10:1-21

Essay by   •  September 26, 2010  •  1,929 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,364 Views

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The final three chapters of Daniel consist of one long narrative. They

record the final vision given to this prophet of God. Chapter 10 introduces

the vision, giving an amazing "behind the scenes" look at the spiritual

conflict of which Daniel was a part.

The Bible plainly reveals that life in our universe exists on two planes:

the material and the spiritual. The unseen world is just as real as that

which we see. Moreover, many of the struggles that take place in this world

are influenced by conflicts taking place in the spiritual realm - conflicts

that are the result of Satan's rebellion against God. Aligned with Satan is

a host of fallen angels who joined him in his rebellion. Together, they

make up a spiritual kingdom of darkness over which Satan rules as king.

From the beginning, Satan's kingdom has been at war with the kingdom of

God, and the people of God have always been at the heart of the conflict.

Paul recognized this, writing,

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the

darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high


For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through

God to the pulling down of strongholds... Ephesians 6:12; 2

Corinthians 10:3-4

This chapter gives us the opportunity to consider those involved in the

spiritual conflict Paul describes. There are several things for us to

learn. One is the reality of the conflict - and the potential for suffering

defeat. Another is the means of victory, and the price that must be paid to

achieve it. Finally, we need to learn that the struggle between God and

Satan is ongoing, and we cannot escape involvement. We will either be

numbered with the conquerors or the casualties. We cannot remain neutral.

I. Daniel - The Soldier on His Knees (Verses 1-3)

A. Faithfulness in retirement (1)

B. Daniel 1:19 informed us that Daniel and his friends stood before the

King. Upon graduation from Nebuchadnezzar's school, they were numbered

among his advisors. Furthermore, Daniel 1:21 records that Daniel

continued in that role unto the first year of King Cyrus. At that

point, his service to the kings ended, and Daniel began his retirement

years. It was two years later, in the third year of Cyrus, that Daniel

receives this vision.

This tells us that although Daniel may have been past his prime

physically, he was still in the thick of things spiritually. His

public ministry was over, but not his service to the Lord.

C. Fasting with resolve (2-3)

Some people fast as a matter of routine. Others fast as a means of

spiritual discipline. Daniel's fast was a result of an intense burden. He

was mourning. He was so burdened in his spirit, so spiritually in need of

God's help, that he ate no pleasant bread or flesh (meat) and drank no

wine. For three weeks, he lived on plain bread and water while he waited to

hear from heaven.

Daniel does not tell us why he was mourning. We only know that Daniel was

so overwhelmed by his burden that he continued to fast until the answer was

received - even though, as the later verses imply, it physically weakened

him greatly.

Daniel's period of prayer and fasting is typical of the part of spiritual

conflict we can observe. For three weeks he petitioned God - wrestling,

agonizing, weeping, waiting - all the time unaware of the battle that was

raging somewhere in the unseen realm of the heavens.

* The delay Daniel experienced resulted because Satan vigorously

contested the answer to that prayer.

* If Satan's persistence had outlasted that of Daniel, Daniel would have

been defeated in prayer. The deciding factor was Daniel's


* The reason we are instructed to persist in prayer is not to overcome

God's reluctance, but to prevail against Satan's opposition.

II. Jesus Christ - The Coming King (Verses 4-9)

A. The Person Daniel Saw

The first part of Daniel's vision concerned the appearance of a certain

man. By comparing the description of the man Daniel saw to John's vision of

the Son of man in Revelation 1:13-16, it is apparent that each saw the



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