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Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  566 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,081 Views

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Drug Abuse

The D.A.R.E program is important for every school for many reasons. The younger you teach children the dangers of drugs, the more of a chance they are going to have to say "no". Drugs have a very strong influence in schools all across the nation, so teaching them the dangers while they are in school may help decrease the risk of children using.


According to studies, young people are more likely to try tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, and marijuana first. The average ages for children starting these drugs are as follows:

* Tobacco: 15.4

* Alcohol: 16.3

* Inhalants: 16.4

* Marijuana: 17.0

This shows that adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 are more likely to try tobacco and alcohol first, and then move on to marijuana later.

Another survey asked students between the grades 9 through 12 whether they had tried tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana before the age of 13. The results were as follows:

* 24.7% had smoked cigarettes

* 32.2% had drank alcohol

* 11.3% had smoked marijuana

These studies show that children start drinking and smoking at a young age. The studies also show that males are more likely to try tobacco, alcohol, or marijuana first. The D.A.R.E. program can help teach students about the dangers of using at such a young age. When students start at young ages, they are more likely to start illicit drugs earlier. The mean ages for starting illicit drugs are as follows:

* Hallucinogens: 18.6

* Cocaine: 19.5

* Pain Relievers: 19.5

* Stimulants: 19.6

* Heroin: 19.8

* Methamphetamines: 20.0

This shows that not long after high school, students on average start using more illicit drugs.

Drugs in School

Drugs continue to have a strong presence in schools all around the country. On average, 30.2% of students in grades 9 through 12 had been offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property. Males are more likely to be in this situation than females by 34.7% to 25.7%. Another survey showed that



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