Essay by 24 • July 8, 2011 • 946 Words (4 Pages) • 2,017 Views
An Unrealistic, Fantasy Daydreamer
Daydreaming is often neglected in the study of real dreams. Most people don’t consider daydreaming as a type of actual dreaming. Everyday, or almost every hour, I daydream about something, like future plans, reminiscences about the past, or non-sense images. I think daydreaming maybe applicable just as nightly dreams. Often, when I think things in my head, I attempt to add a bit of unrealistic and fantasy dreams at the end. I never realized daydreaming is actually a problem for me until I realized that I daydream so much that sometimes I believe in those daydreams. Some people call daydreaming an action of laziness and a non-productive pastime, but I call it, the vision of fantasy dreams that you have not yet achieved in your life.
Scientists called daydreaming as “ the impulsive thinking, creating, and recalling of images or experiences of the past of future.” In other words, you basically let your creative imaginations run away with your brain to the wonderland. A new study stated that daydreaming is a healthy exercise for humans’ brain; it allows our brain to shift into a resting state. Some psychologists stated that, “ daydream is a place of flitting thoughts from which a person must wrench away from challenging work.” I say, daydreaming allow your brain creates anything and everything you can possibly imagine; is a type of lucid dreams.
Daydreams have its impacts on making one’s positive and negative thoughts. When you daydreaming about a situation might have a bad outcome in the future, this daydream can possibly set you up for a failure. In daydreaming, you are imagining the things will happen in the future in turn you are more likely to believe the dreams. So next time when you daydream, dream positive! Positive daydreams can make a good out of most situations and is completely helpful for your mental health.
I’ve been a daydreamer my whole life. Like everything else in this world, daydreaming has its advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages like when you daydreaming you might be too into the dreams you are having, and you are likely to miss the things that’s happening around you. For example: this morning, I actually almost got into a traffic accident on highways because I was daydreaming while I was driving, I did not notice the car next to me was trying to switch into my lane. I was too focused in the dreams I am having and did not notice the surrounding traffics, so that can be very dangerous and costly. Advantages, I would say people who like to daydream would have a more creative mind and better visions of the “future”; also daydreamers use their mind more often compare to others, they more likely to become a creative writer.
Daydreaming can be very enjoyable if you can pull yourself out of the “wonderland” when you need to. Daydreams are healthy if it doesn’t interfere with the things you need to do in reality, like school and work. Now, daydreaming to me is a serious problem; I use this “exercise”