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Essay by   •  April 15, 2011  •  738 Words (3 Pages)  •  9,749 Views

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Deadlines are defined as the time limit in which something must be done. Meeting a deadline is very important and is probably the most valuable lesson you will ever learn. The lesson that should be learned is how to manage your time efficiently. When you meet a deadline, you are showing that you are a serious and committed person to the task, which is being asked of you. Meeting deadlines help you manage your time because you have to get the task done in a certain amount of time. The time frames of deadlines can vary, between being short or long termed. In which, being able to meet a deadline teaches you about time management. Time management is a skill needed in school, any career field and in life, in general. When a deadline is set for a task it should be taken very seriously. Deadlines are given to you because it benefits you. They help prepare you for and getting you ready and used to being able to manage your time, when it is needed. You will come across many deadlines in life, whether it is in school, work, church, family tasks and/or events. When you meet a deadline, it shows that you worked hard, effectively and efficiently to meet the deadline.

Deadlines help you prioritize your tasks. The most important tasks should be handled and completed first and, then go down the list until you reach and complete the least important task on your list. You should complete each task to the best of your ability, in order to meet the deadline. You should focus on one task at a time. Give each task your full and complete attention and concentration. There is no need to rush or get frustrated when under a deadline, because that will cause you to get stressed out, and discourage, then you may end giving up. You must be committed to completing the task. If you a serious and committed to the task then you will feel a sense of accomplishment, once you completed the task and reached the deadline. Deadlines help you plan ahead for how you are to manage your time. There will be times when you will have to make sacrifices in order to meet some, if not all deadlines. Some sacrifices maybe that you will have to cut back on the amount of sleep that you are accustomed to, amount of time used to socialize with family and friends, and your eating habits may change. The number one sacrifice made in order to complete a task for a deadline, is the amount of sleep you take. But you should not put yourself in harms way,



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