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Death Peanlty

Essay by   •  November 21, 2010  •  932 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,125 Views

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Death Penalty Views

The death penalty is an important and very disputed aspect of society. Laws are supposed to bring together the basic principles and purposes of society, including the recognition and protection of individual rights to life, liberty, and the security of people and property. The two separate groups of norms that are involved with the death penalty are desirable social principles and respectable moral principles. The death penalty has shown itself to be an ineffective punishment, due to the fact that, it is an immoral and anti-social practice in today's society. It does not and will not uphold any of the basic principles that are the basis of the law in this country. This country desires revenge, and that is why we have the death penalty. Do not let people fool you with words such as justice and deterrence, because the death penalty serves neither of these purposes. The fact is, the death penalty is not a deterrent of crime, as the death penalty has been proven not to deter crime. The death penalty can not be called moral, because taking another human life in such a fashion is not moral. Also, there is always the risk that an innocent mans life may be taken. Now I ask you, is taking an innocent mans life moral. The discriminate way t

Death Penalty

The death penalty is a controversial topic in the United States today and has been for a number of years. The death penalty was overturned and then reinstated in the United States during the 1970's due to questions concerning its fairness. The death penalty began to be reinstated slowly, but the rate of executions has increased during the 1990's. There are a number of arguments for and against the death penalty. Many death penalty supporters feel that the death penalty reduces crime because it deters people from committing murder if they know that they will receive the death penalty if they are caught. Others in favor of the death penalty feel that even if it doesn't deter others from committing crimes, it will eliminate repeat offenders. Death penalty opponents however feel that the death penalty actually leads to an increase in crime because the death penalty desensitizes people to violence, and it sends the message that violence is a suitable way to resolve conflicts. Death penalty opponents also condemn the death penalty because of the possibility of an innocent person being put to death and because it can be unfairly applied. Throughout this essay I will contrast the two positions of the death penalty. Death penalty

Every day there is more and more capital punishment in this country. Many people do not realize that if there was less capital punishment, a lot of money could be saved that could be used in many other ways. Many people are not aware how much it actually costs to put somebody to death. Maybe if they knew that it cost more money to kill somebody than they had the chance to spend in their entire life, they would have a different opinion about the death penalty. It is much less expensive to imprison someone for life then to execute theme. The cost o

The Death Penalty

Mead Shumway of Nebraska, was convicted of the first-degree murder of his employer's wife on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to death by jury. His last words before his execution were: "I am an innocent



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