Deportation of Immigrants
Essay by Maria Perez • March 22, 2018 • Annotated Bibliography • 1,566 Words (7 Pages) • 726 Views
Karen Nava Gonzalez
Lindsay Olson
English 102-1030
5 March 2018
Introduction: Deportation of Immigrants Who Lived in the United States for Years
In this century, especially during the last election the controversy of the fate of
immigrants have greatly increased. Donald Trump who is the 45th President, has made his dislike for immigrants known. He is trying to eliminate programs that would help immigrants who are in the United States. Since this is a very popular topic I decided to ask the question “is it justified to deport immigrants who have been in the United States for years?”. I will present a position paper that will state my opinion based on the research I have collected. The research I collected proves the point that the deportation of immigrants who have lived in the United States for years is not justified since they help the economy, there is no probable cause, and they want to better their lives. It’s important to know the reason that most immigrants come to the United States is to get away from the conditions being lived in their native countries. Some try to escape violence, poverty, and corruption which is very different in the United States. The “American dream” is what most of them search for and they expect to find due to movies and media that makes this country seem really glamorous. This affects the way people treat living in the United States and is important to understand people’s situations.
For the research I found many useful resources on the UNLV library site. To find these scholarly journals, I searched words such as reform, immigration, economy, and Donald Trump. These keywords led to finding many scholarly journals and the difficult part was narrowing them down into the ones that would fit in with my research question. There were many journals that looked like they would fit in with my topic but turned out to be the opposite of what I needed. To help my paper be a better proposal I will use “View from the Front Lines: Why Protecting Immigrant Workers is Essential for Immigration Reform and Vital to the Maintenance of a Healthy American Workplace”, “What Will Happen to Dreamers if No Deal is Reached Before Daca Expires in 2018?”, “Trump’s Deportation Tough Talk Hurts Law-Abiding Immigrants”, “Economy-Wide Effects of Reducing Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Employment”, and “Immigrants, Welfare Reform. And the Economy”. Accompanying these sources, I plan to use my own personal experiences and well as family experiences to validate my points. These experiences are going to include how it’s like being an immigrant family in the United States and how the recent news has affected many families as my own. I will also need to include facts about the government and how they treat situations regarding deportations and how you can become a citizen of this country. I plan to use the article written by Peter B. Dixon to articulate a counter-claim which will state that deporting immigrants is not a bad thing for the United States, but a way to fix the immigration problem. The rest of the sources will be used to support my thesis that deportation of immigrants will hurt more than help. Most of these sources state that there will be a larger effect if immigrants keep getting deported. Also, they provide evidence about immigrants who are being deported simply because of their citizenship status. I found that the hard part of creating an annotated bibliography was locating the sources. I hope the sources I chose will benefit my paper and create valuable points for my position. This I anticipate will be one of the problems I face when writing the paper itself. I hope the paper will not get off topic and the way I formulate the paper will have the sources help prove my thesis.
Annotated Bibliography: Deportation of Immigrants Who Lived in the United States for Years
Akaras, Andreas, and Andreas Amar. “View from the Front Lines: Why Protecting Immigrant
Workers is Essential for Immigration Reform and Vital to the Maintenance of a Healthy American Workplace.” American University Washington College of Law 1 (2011): Print.
Andreas N. Akaras is one of the authors of the article who is an attorney and has been
fighting for employees who want equal rights in the work place. Sebastian Amar is also a
civil rights attorney who is focused on immigrant employee cases. This article is trying to
analyze why it is vital for this country to protect the rights of immigrants in the workplace and how this could lead to immigration reform. They use examples from the earlier times to compare and contrast how the times are similar and different. The authors provide statistics that further prove their points of how essential immigration is to this country. The authors use evidence from books and other scholarly articles to further prove the points they are trying to make. The source could be argued to be bias since both authors are expressing their approval to immigrants and try to make that point known. This article can help my essay because it could provide evidence to prove my thesis in how immigrants should be allowed to stay in this country.
Ballesteros, Carlos. “What Will Happen to Dreamers if No Deal is Reached Before Daca Expires
in 2018?” Newsweek, 31 Dec. 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2018.The author Carlos Ballesteros is a writer for the site Newsweek. He has written many articles regarding immigration and the Trump administration. Newsweek is a well-known online newspaper that states all kind of facts of everyday news. This article talks about the DACA or Dreamer students and what might be their fate with regarding the termination of the program. It states that many students will be deported and will have to face the consequences of being illegal immigrants. The article uses other sources and newspapers to prove their points. I can use this in my essay because I will be able to prove that people that are wanting to better themselves will have to face consequences as well. It is not justified to deport students who just want to learn.