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Destination Development

Essay by   •  July 16, 2016  •  Business Plan  •  1,248 Words (5 Pages)  •  832 Views

Essay Preview: Destination Development

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ARTICLE REVIEW (80 MARKS)                                                        

Students are required to write an “Article Review” of any press article for the Individual Assignment (Part 2).  This assignment allows students to review issues and trend relating to the lodging industry in Singapore and globally.  

  1. Objectives

By the end of this assignment you should achieve the following:

  • Be aware and recognise trends and (major) issues in the lodging industry, both locally and globally.
  • Have an overview of customer services and guest relations issues in lodging establishments.
  • Be updated lodging related news in Singapore and abroad.

  1. Task

This assignment requires you to write an “Article Review”. Working individually, prepares a review of any press article (lodging related) using the following points to guide you:

  1. Select one article. The article selected should not be dated more than 2 years back i.e. applicable printed years from 2014 to 2016.
  2. Article can either be from local or international media / sources.  Similarly, it can either be from hardcopy or online resources.  Some sources include The Straits Times, The Business Times, Travel Trade Gazette, industry related magazines etc. Check with your tutors if you are unsure.
  3. It can be of any length but do choose something that has sufficient material for you to discuss.  
  4. Marks will be allocated for the suitability and appropriateness of the article.
  5. Read the article, understand the key content and summarise them in your own words.
  6. Discuss the ideas and/or issues that have been presented in the article based on your understanding of the topic.
  7. You may wish to find secondary articles that dealt with the same topic or similar articles in another source and make comparisons and/or support your analysis.
  8. Offer your opinion on the topic you are reviewing.
  9. Provide a conclusion.

  1. Submission of selected article
  • You are to submit a hardcopy of the selected (primary) article and seek approval from your respective tutors during tutorial on week of 9 May 2016.  All approved article will be endorsed by your tutor.  
  • You are to submit the approved and/or endorsed article together with your article review submitted.
  • Only 2 (two) similar articles per tutorial group are allowed to be submitted and analysed.  Tutor(s) will reject the 3rd (third) and subsequent submissions of the same article.  Acceptance of article is based on first come-first serve basis.
  • Kindly consider your article seriously, as changing of article is disallowed after approval and/or endorsement by tutor on week of 9 May 2016.
  • You are encouraged to research and prepare more than one article for approval and/or endorsement.
  1. Deliverables
  • Deadline for submission individual assignment (hardcopy) is on Friday | 03 June 2016 @ 1600hrs. Submission point: HTM Office @ Temasek Tourism Academy (TTA)
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the hard copy is successfully delivered to your Tutor via the pre-arranged mode before the deadline.
  • Late submission after the stipulated deadline will incur a penalty.  Deduction of 3 marks for every 30 minutes block of late submission.  No submission will be accepted after 24 hours.
  • No presentation is required for this component.  
  • Maximum word requirement: 1000 words (acceptable variable ± 5%).  Please indicate the number of words submitted.
  1. Format
  • Submit the main content (exclude appendices & references) of article review to SafeAssign.  To print and submit first page of SafeAssign report with your final (hardcopy) submission.
  • Submit your hard copy report in A4 size paper, stapled. Do not bind your report.
  • All reports must be typed-written using Arial font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, 2cm margin all round with page numbers included.
  • Please print using the 'double-sided' feature.
  • You are to use the cover page provided (available in OLIVE).
  • You are to propose your own article review title for the individual assignment.
  • The recommended article review structure could be the following:
  • Introduction
  • Summary of your chosen article
  • Analysis of  ideas and/or issues
  • Conclusion
  • References (if any)
  • Appendix {you must include a copy of your chosen article(s)}
  1. Marking scheme  

Your review will be assessed based on the following;

  • Presentation and organisation (language, structure etc.)
  • Quality and analysis of content (your summary, understanding & discussion)
  • Originality and effort (your ideas and evidence of wide reading on the topic)
  • Conclusion.





Selection of article

(10 marks)

  • Prompt submission of article
  • Appropriateness & suitability of selected article
  • Appropriate title given.
  • Compliance of requested details

Presentation & Structure of article review

(10 marks)

Typographical and grammatical errors.  Does not comply with word requirement. Not compliance to recommended report format. SafeAssign report and original endorsed article not included.  Number of words not indicated.

Limited spelling and grammar error. Inconsistent header, paragraphs, bullet and flow.  Comply with word requirement. Meet some of the requirement of the recommended format. SafeAssign report and original endorsed article included.  Number of words indicated.

No spelling and grammar errors.  Have header, consistent paragraphs, bullet and good flow.  Stapled, filed, neat and uses given format & structure. Comply to word requirement. SafeAssign report and original endorsed article included.  Number of words indicated.


(10 marks)

Summary is incorrect and/or confusing.  Misses all or many key points in main article.  Points are not organised logically.

Summary is mostly correct and clear. Covers most of the key points in main article.  Points are organised.

Summary is very accurate and clear. Covers all key points in main article. Points are well organised and read smoothly

Discussion / Analysis

(20 marks)

Is unclear about main issue of article.  Analysis is brief and/or a repetition of article.  Unable to make connections with other issues/topics.  Discussion is irrelevant.  Not supported with secondary articles.

Highlights main issue.  Analysis is acceptable but not thorough.  Makes correct connections across issues some of the time.  Discussion is relevant most of the time. Supported with some secondary articles.

Highlights main issue of article. Shows depth in analysis: can discuss impacts/trends etc.: example Going Green trend & impact on profitability.  Is able to make connections between issues: example Innovation and Guest Service. Discussion is always relevant. Supported with relevant and good secondary articles.

Originality / Opinion

(20 marks)

No or only brief opinion provided.  No original thoughts. No demonstration of understanding.

Injects opinion some of the time.  Offers some original ideas.   Understanding of topic is satisfactory

Provides own knowledgeable (well-read) opinion in discussion etc.  Demonstrates originality in thought through suggestions: ideas for change, improvement etc.  Demonstrates complete understanding of topic.  (Cost / feasibility / viability / demand / challenges etc.)


(10 marks)

No / too brief conclusion  

Does not provide closure to the discussion with recap/final thoughts

Conclusion is adequate

Closes with some recap of key issues and final thoughts

Clear, neat conclusion.

Closes with recap of all key issues and final thoughts


Penalty for late submission.  Deduction of 3 marks for every 30 minutes block of late submission.   No submission will be accepted after 24 hours.



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