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Essay by   •  February 13, 2017  •  Thesis  •  358 Words (2 Pages)  •  783 Views

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because white people are still preferred. minorities will be shown houses in mostly minority neighborhoods and places with delivery services will not deliver to these neighborhoods. offenders are motivated to choose a victim because of some characteristic, for example, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability...and provide evidence that hatred prompted them to commit the crime....sometimes referred to as bias crime. Discrimination can happen anywhere, to anyone. I had a really shitty job. I worked at a pizza place. After two and a half years, I was still making minimum wage, and was not getting that many hours. This sort of job is not exactly the sort of job that screams out that you should be scared of being discriminated against. The employer clearly couldn't care less as long as you keep working for your slave wage. co-workers turned out to be another story. When it became clear that I am gay, several of them banded together to accuse me of sexual harassment, claiming that I was saying very inappropriate things to young female employees. I defended myself as best I could, but ended up quitting my job anyway. I couldn't trust them. It was a shitty job...but now I have no job... Suppose the quality of life in your community is declining. The major employer has packed up and moved to a place where labor and utilities are cheaper. Without steady paychecks, a lot of people in town don't have the money to keep up their houses and yards, or to support charitable organizations. Many people have found other jobs, but have to commute long distances to get to them. In some of the worst situations, individuals and families have become homeless, and are living in shelters or in their cars. Violence has increased, partially because those long commuting times leave many youth unsupervised during off-school hours, partially because of increasing substance abuse brought on by people's difficult circumstances. The community has turned



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