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Essay by   •  December 9, 2010  •  542 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,280 Views

Essay Preview: Discrmination

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# Specific actions in recruitment, hiring, upgrading and other areas designed and taken for the purpose of eliminating the present effects of past discrimination, or to prevent discrimination.

# Measures taken to correct the effects of past discrimination in hiring and promotion

# Established during FDR's presidency, intended to provide minorities with increased social, economic, educational, and other opportunities.

# A program that became law with the passage of the Equal Economic Opportunity (EEO) Act of 1972, whereby employers, labor unions, employment agencies, and labor-management apprenticeship programs must actively seek to eliminate discrimination against and increase employment of women and minorities. ...

# Positive steps to enhance the diversity of some group, often to remedy the cumulative effect of subtle as well as gross expressions of prejudice. When numerical goals are set, they are set according to the group's representation in the applicant pool rather than the group's representation in the general population. ...

# Good faith efforts to ensure equal employment opportunity and correct the effects of past discrimination against affected groups. Where appropriate, affirmative action includes goals to correct underutilization and development of results-oriented programs to address problem areas.

# Proactively hiring and promoting qualified individuals in protected groups such as minorities, disabled veterans, Vietnam-era veterans and women.

# procedures by which racial/ethnic minorities, women, persons in the protected age category, persons with disabilities, Vietnam era veterans, and disabled veterans are provided with increased employment opportunities. This will also include programs for monitoring progress and problem identification. It shall not mean any sort of quota system.

# a movement that attempts to eliminate or remedy past, present, and future acts of discrimination or the effects of discrimination.

# positive action taken to create a situation which promotes and assists elements of equal opportunity. This can mean removing barriers to equal opportunity in the workplace, such as training women so that they are eligible for a promotion.



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