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Doll House

Essay by   •  April 22, 2011  •  671 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,293 Views

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A Doll's House By Henrick Ibsen

Nora will find happiness when she finds a man who will appreciate her and all that she is willing to do for her family, even it means taking risks for her family. She knows what kind of person she is and the qualities that make her a good wife and mother. She truly sees what kind of man her husband is and realizes that he will always be more devoted to his own ambitions than to her. She is so confident in herself that in the end of the story when she decides to leave her husband and the wealthy life he can provide for her. She is proving to herself that money and status are not the most important things. She knows that she deserves true love and to be with a man who will love her more than his own success, money and social status.

Nora created the story's main conflict by accepting money from Krogstad to pay for a vacation to Italy when her husband was sick. She broke the law my signing her fathers signature and also risked her marriage by doing this. This shows her character as being someone who will do what ever it takes to secure her future even if it has to be done by committing wrongful acts. It is easy to think that she did the right thing because she only did it to help her husband recover from his illness. She is seen as woman who cares deeply about her husband. But if they had a true and honest relationship there would be no need to for her to deceive him by lying about where she got the money to pay for the trip to Italy at a time when they had little money. She decided to help her husband because she believed in him and his potential. She knew he would be a great success someday and she would have have a life of wealth. Because she lied to him it shows her own side of selfishness. But when she leaves him in the end it shows that she is actually not only concerned with money.

At the end of the story, it was shocking that she decided to leave her husband. She is so concerned of keeping



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