Essay by 24 • January 12, 2011 • 1,101 Words (5 Pages) • 1,255 Views
My name is Tita Fitria,Born in Pontianak 22 July 1984 ,im 23 years old. I came from small family only my parents and my two brothers, one of them is now studying at University of Prof.DR. Moestopo for undergraduate program majoring in communication and the other still studying in 1st class Junior High School of Al-Azhar II Pejaten. My parents especially my father is a working person, they struggling to get the family more wealthy to afford theire children to get the best education for the future.
Im starting my education long time ago at Tunas Harapan kindergarten in pesing west Jakarta because at that time my family was staying at that area ,after finish my mom sent me to elementary school at Tunas Harapan elementary school in pseing west Jakarta also. Later when finish the 6th grade, my family have to move to staying at Kendari South East Sulawesi while me and my two brothers also have to transfer the school that nearby from our house , the name of my school is SLTPN 1 Kendari Junior High school and my brother below me named M. Fikri Akbar moved in Kuncup Pertiwi Elementary School and my other bother named M. Yahusafat still little so he didn’t get to school yet. I have to adopt again with the new environment which is not very easy for my age at that time, but finally i can adopt and can graduate from that school, o yeah i forget to tell when i study in SLTPN 1 Kendari Junior High school i also follow basketball and swimming activity and in swim I’m joined the “ Pekan Olahraga” tournament. But I didn’t get any trophy.
After finish my Junior High school, i continue to high school that was so far from our house because my school is in Cikarang West Java , the name of that school is SMUI Al-Azhar Boarding School at Cikarang West Java, that is a boarding school but provide a good education and they have a very nice building and facilitaties, This time my parent sent me to boarding school and then i started to ask “ why you sent me to boarding school” , they answer because my parent still have to continue their duty in Kendari, and actually its good so I will have the time to experincing new environment and started to learned staying with the friends ,and start being a discipline person. In fact i really feel a whole new experince when i was in that boarding school. We have to go pray together from time to time and the teacher always use the attendace to list the student so that they will know the student that’s not coming for pray. For one week when the student not going to pray 3 times or teacher can count like “if we late for 3 times mean 1 time not coming” the staff will be giving the punishment we can’t going home for that weekend, very tough punishment for us. I really enjoy studied at boarding school it gave me a very good lessons of anything. Before we going to sleep or after we wakeup the first thing that we saw is our friend’s face that was really funny, we share anything from food to underwear until about boyfriend. Because in that school they already provide us with cleaning service, catering and anything. So our job is just studying and doing our responsibility as a moeslim.
SMUI Al-Azhar divided into 4 buildings, 1 building is for education activity , 1 building is for boys dorm, 1 building is for girls dorm and the last one is our Mosque for praying. Our activity started from 07.00am in the morning until 03.30pm in the evening for studying school subject and then we will have the break at 12.30pm to have dzuhur prayer and lunch together with student and the lecturer after