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Drinking Age Should Not Be Reduced

Essay by   •  April 16, 2011  •  267 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,334 Views

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Drinking Age should not be reduced

The legal drinking age in the United States is twenty one, and I believe that this is a logical, fair age and should not be reduced. The use of alcoholic beverages is a privilege not a right. There are so many statistics that show drinking to be bad to begin with, but there are many more statistics that show why the drinking age of twenty one should not be lowered and stay as it is. Teenagers do not show enough responsibility when drinking, and it would do everyone a lot more harm if they could do it legally.

Drinking and driving is illegal; so many people are put at risk when someone drives drunk. There are many underage teenagers who drive while they are intoxicated. Teenagers are at the stage of "rebellion;" therefore, alcohol has a different effect on teenagers than it does on adults. Most teenagers feel they are old enough to make their own decisions, but driving under the influence is a sign of immaturity. They are mature enough to kill, but not mature enough to drive with alcohol in their system.

There is a higher risk of people dying young if the age is to be lowered to eighteen. Lowering the drinking age back to eighteen will lead to bad premonitions like rampant drinking binges, raving alcoholics, and more traffic accident death upon the entire nation. Society now has problems with people who are at the age of drinking. We are having more and more accidents every day, and most of them have to do with people driving under the influence.



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