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Drug Classification and Crossfading

Essay by   •  October 31, 2016  •  Essay  •  668 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,226 Views

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Marijuana Background Article

Drug Classification and Crossfading

Marijuana is a drug made from cannabis mixed with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The cannabidiol offers multiple medical benefits, and the THC responds with the mind to release dopamine. This is what makes it a hallucinogenic drug. This chemical is what causes the user to have a small sense sense of euphoria,a feeling or state of excitement and happiness, as long as it is in your system. Many hallucinogenic drugs are then further categorized. Typically, these drugs will be described as either an upper or a downer. Being an upper means that the drug will cause a spike or rush of euphoria, while downers are known for numbing the body and slowing bodily functions to create the sense of euphoria. Weed has an effect that can be described as a combination of these two. Consequently, weed has joined a special group of drugs known as All-Arounders. These categorizations are mainly used as a way to keep people safe while using these drugs. Using a drug and not having a general idea of its effect could lead to things such as bad trips, unexpected addiction, and many other unwanted conditions. Knowing the drugs’ effect is also very useful while crossfading, a common process which involves using more than one substance at a time. Usually, people crossfade with alcohol and weed, but sometimes people get adventurous. A new trend of crossfading with weed and a downer has been causing lots of damage in many communities. People have been forced into small comas, uncontrollable vomiting, and many sicknesses because of their unorthodox crossfading.

Medical Benefits

Lots of the controversy with weed has been a result of the release of several studies on marijuana’s practical and medical use. One of the most common medical processes involving marijuana is giving marijuana to patients who don't eat enough. This is because marijuana activates certain parts of the brain, one of which causes hunger. Marijuana has also been used to directly counter certain diseases. One of the more recent discoveries is marijuana’s effectiveness with glaucoma patients. Glaucoma is a disease which increases the pressure in eyes, which could lead to large amounts of damage. On an article quoted a study from the National Eye Institute in 1970’s. The quote says, “...marijuana, when smoked, lowered intraocular pressure (IOP) in



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