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Dude, Get Off The Couch

Essay by   •  May 15, 2011  •  964 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,237 Views

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Dude, Get Off the Couch

"Be stupid, be unfeeling, obedient and soldierly, and stop thinking." "Be a man!" (Theroux, 98). Paul Theroux, Rose Del Castillo Guibault, and Richard Rodriguez speak of maleness in American and Hispanic culture. They address stereotypes of males that: establish pseudo masculinity, and give men the right to disregard moral responsibility. "And like all stereotypes, it distorts truth," (Guilbault, 104).

The three authors also provide insight into what masculinity truly is. The saying "Be a man" is encouragement to be strong, but males take it too literally. They pound protein shakes on the couch, hit the dumb bells, and forget about an ethical workout. To be truly masculine males must find themselves away from the sofa, care for others, and take responsible action.

Theroux regards a lack of values as unfeeling and stupidity. He believes that the stereotypical man does not think. Therefore, he could not discern responsibility. He boldly states, "Everything in stereotyped manliness goes against the life of the mind," (Theroux, 100). American culture accepts and encourages males to competitively watch sports, drink, and womanize. Being conscience to anything else is not expected.

However, it is a masculine male's responsibility to be aware of significant others. To extend the awareness to the entire human race would be too much to ask. Nonetheless, a male is obligated to reduce the amount of victimization as much as possible. Reduction should start with family and branch out to other unfortunate individuals. Silence screams; doing nothing is an action. And men are encouraged to wear the couch cushion thin.

Guibault and Rodriguez indicate that a masculine man is not lazy; he provides support and care for his family. This means a man's job is not done after he gets some food in the pantry. Men need to actually see the food on the table. They have to spend time with their wives and kids. Guilbault proudly spoke of his masculine father: "At home he was a good provider, helped out my mother's family in Mexico without complaint, and was indulgent with me," (Guilbault, 103). However, the stereotypical man is more devoted to his favorite chair than his family.

The Lazyboy is made for the apathetic man. Staring at the TV, he waits for a time to voice complaints. Speaking to no one, he objects the decisions of referees, news broadcasters, and politicians. However, he is lethargic and does not even try to fake an effort to make a change. His wife knows to stay neutral and she watches TV in the other room. There is an obvious disconnection, but he idly maintains rule from the Lazyboy.

The stereotypical man can only relate with fellow men. Anything different in society is a hot potato. He quickly tosses an unconventional theory, a non-traditional practice, women, or an emotion. Theroux states, "Any objective study would find the quest for manliness essentially right wing, puritanical, cowardly, neurotic and fueled largely by a fear of women," (Theroux, 98). Their insecurity fuels an insistence upon disconnection and problems in society.

Families are victims of male's self-preoccupation. The man stuck on the couch is not suitable to be a father or a husband. Children quickly stray and wives pity themselves. In a problematic



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