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Essay by   •  May 7, 2011  •  708 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,090 Views

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Have you ever been pulled over and really thought that there was no real reason to be

pulled. More than likely it was because of your skin color or by what modern day police officers

call it racial profiling. But the real question is the high number of involvement involving blacks

and Hispanics with minority crime But when it comes to racial profiling there is two types

profiling. The first is what we call "hard' profiling which uses race as the only factor in making

criminal suspicions. For example an officer sees a black person and, with out more to go on,

pulls him over for a pat down. The officers do this on the chance that he may be carrying drugs or

weapons. ( Mac Donald 22-25)

The next type of racial profiling is called "soft' racial profiling. This type uses race as

one factor among others in looking for potential criminals. The highway police, for example,

have intelligence that Jamaican drug posses with a likeness for Nissan Pathfinders. They use

these vehicles for transporting marijuana along the northeast section of the United States. The

racial profiling argument doesn't just stop at highway stops. When police statistics show the high

number of minority traffic stops, police argue in order to look for drugs. (Jackson1-5)

According to a racial profiling crowd, the war on drugs immediately became a war on

minorities, on and off the highways. There evidence for racial profiling comes in two categories.

Which are anecdotal, which is of limited value; and statistical, which on examination proves

entirely worthless(Cooper 78-82) Black drivers today almost routinely claim that the only reason

they are pulled over for highway stops is their race. In a lot of cases once they are pulled over

they say, they are subject to harassment, including unnecessary searches. Some of these

Tucker 2

outrageous stories as unbelievable they may seem there true. But without question there are

obnoxious officers out there, and some even ignore their training and target minorities. But since

the placement of video cameras in patrol cars for the main purpose of racial profiling

controversies(Mac Donald 17-22). Most charges of police racism, testified under oath have been

written off as lies. The allegations that police single out minorities for unjust law enforcement

stands or falls on numbers and statistics. In lawsuits against police departments across the

country, the ACLU and the Justice Department have done studies allegedly demonstrating

selective enforcement. None of this holds up to any public or political scrutiny.(Jackson 23-27)




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