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Essay by   •  April 8, 2011  •  617 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,321 Views

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"What, in my opinion, is worth dying for?"

My opinion varies on a very regular basis. When life is going well, when I'm the happiest I know how to be, when laughter and love is the basis of what I believe my life to be, the concept of death is a very dramatic and feared one. But life can turn around in an instant, when death was once a penalty or a price to pay; it can become your only salvation. It can become your only choice above suffering.

No one wants to die when they can think of nothing better than living the life they are. But when that stability of complete contentment is compromised or threatened, one tends to lose grip of reality and obtain a fixed sight on what they believe to be the substitute to their lost happiness. When your heart becomes the driving force behind your body and actions there is very little anyone can do to stop you or change your mind. So I believe, when someone is found in that situation, they should not be fought or kept from doing what they will; I believe that their opinion has changed. They no longer fear death, they fear living their life without the feelings, or person they once used to. In their opinion, what they no longer have is worth dying for. Their loss is worth dying for.

However, when a life is so loved and so deeply appreciated that nothing, no matter how cruel, or threatening it may seem to that persons life, when death is still the furthest thing from their mind at a time of desperate difficulties, clearly nothing in this world is worth dying for. A person who believes that bettering tomorrow, is all about learning from today's mistakes, or leaps back up when they fall down, is a person who truly deserves to live a full and happy life. That person truly believes that absolutely nothing is worth dying for.

On the other side of the scale there is yet another concept. It is a rather depressing and dark way of looking at life, but for some people there is no other way to look at life. While some people fight as



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