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Dynamic Integrated Logistics

Essay by   •  October 8, 2017  •  Case Study  •  677 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,150 Views

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Project Engineering Consultants have been directed by Dynamic Integrated Logistics, Inc. to assess Dynamic’s project organization structure to optimize functionality, reduce costs, and improve their competitive edge. The result of this analysis will include recommendations for improvements which can address current areas of weakness. One of Dynamic’s current project, DynamNextGen3, will be used as a representative example of a typical project. Recommendations will be generated based on specific examples within the project which can be applied on a company wide basis.

DynamNextGen3 is a $25,000,000 major, multitrack investment. The original implementation date of February, 2018 has been pushed back to July 2018. There have been a number of problems experienced during the project which need to be addressed:

o Three project managers have been in charge of the project

o Senior Vice President on point, Sharon Mill, has been inconsistently performing as a leader on the project

o The project has been delayed by five months and the current deadline of July only has a 65% certainty of being completed on time

o Project phasing has not been completed for the project

o The current Project Manager, Rhonda Craft, does not directly report Sharon Mill

o Documentation is nonexistent in many cases

o Staff necessary for the completion of the project is not available

o Consultants on the project are unmanaged and subsequently underutilized

Recommendations for Improvement:

1. Develop and organizational chart that clearly reflects responsibilities

Dynamic is experiencing a distinct lack of vertical communication due to confusion of the company organization structure. This confusion leads to a breakdown in vertical communication. Vertical communication is the flow of information from subordinates to their superiors. Creating an organization structure which reflects your current business model and making the organizational structure known to everyone will increase vertical communication and ultimately cut down on cost and time. A companywide organizational structure may take some time to develop. In the case of DynamNextGen3, a project specific organizational structure may help to bring clarity and efficiency. DynamNextGen3’s project structure should make it clear that on this particular project, and this project only, Rhonda Craft is to report directly to Sharon Mills. Rhonda Craft will continue to work on her other jobs, but will report to Tom Daly for all other projects. A supervisor should also be assigned to the consultants and should relay pertinent information to the Rhonda. An example of an organization structure can be seen at the conclusion of this report.

2. Emphasize project planning as



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