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Early Assumption

Essay by   •  December 15, 2010  •  689 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,118 Views

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As many freshman do in college, we make quick assumptions of what our experience

will be like. Assumptions are made about academics, first time experiences and even

relationships. Expectations are higher and the thought of having more mature relationships is one

of them. Leaving high school and entering an institution of higher learning is supposed to

separate the mature from the immature. We are even quick to think that the longer an individual

has been in college the more mature they are, in retrospect, the better a relationship with he or

she will be. What a stupid "assumption."

A couple of times I was approached by several young gentleman here at Virginia State.

Each of them were unique in their own way and had some decent qualities that I liked.

Responsible, handsome, goal oriented, and most importantly they seemed mature. That was

good because I expected them to be. "This is college," I said to myself, "expect nothing less."

Getting to know the young men was quite an experience. As time wore on I begin to sever

the men from the boys. Gentleman 1 was a Sophomore. He had just been in a long distance

relationships but he was eager to get into a new one with someone who was on "his level." Our

conversations were always interesting and we had positive futuristic ideas about what a

relationship between he and I could be like. On two different occasions, my opinion of his

maturity level started to decrease. The one that was most immature is when a guy incidentally

tripped over his foot and scuffed up his Jordans. To my astonishment, he wanted to fight the guy

even after he apologized. What kind of sense did that make? NONE! My thoughts on how

men in college were more mature slowly begin to dwindle.

Gentleman 2 was a Freshman. Even though he was kind, sincere, and always respected

me, I had doubts. From my first experience with Gentleman 1, the Sophomore, I automatically

expected less of the Freshman because of "my assumption." Though we never had any problems

I always kept my guard up, expecting that Gentleman 2 would disappoint me sooner or later.

Sooner than later an incident would arise and rather than be disappointed I was completely

surprised. Gentleman 1 asked me out on a date to the movies. With slight hesitation I said,




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