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Effectiveness of Chili Pepper as an Insecticide.

Essay by   •  March 21, 2019  •  Research Paper  •  1,438 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,561 Views

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The researchers would like to express their utmost gratitude to the Almighty God, for his showers of blessings throughout this research;

The researchers would also like to express their deep and sincere appreciation to their research supervisor, Ms. Ma. Janesa Cawaling, for giving them the opportunity to do research and providing them with invaluable guidance throughout this research. Her dynamism, vision, sincerity, and motivation have deeply inspired them. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under her guidance. They are extremely grateful for what she has offered them;

They are very much thankful to their enthusiastic and charming statistician, Mr. Carjohn C. Depectivo, for his helped them throughout their struggles, hardships in analyzing the data and also for providing them with moral support in order to achieve their desired outcomes for the research study.

They are very much thankful to their English critic, Mr. Christian M. Sabando who manually evaluates and corrects each grammar to produce an accurate and understandable book;

Special thanks to Ms. Dani Anne D. Ledesma, who help them get through the struggles they encountered from the start of the study until the end. The researchers would also like to thank her for the friendship, empathy, and great sense of humor;

To the members of the interrogation board from Pre-oral Defense up to the Final Defense, Mrs. Eleanor Castro, Mr. Michael M. Bacolod, Mr. Noel B. Fordente, Mrs. Riza Stephanie A. Alfaras, and Ms. Joehaida S. Oquias, for their valuable comments, suggestions, and recommendations for the improvement of this study;

The researchers are extremely grateful to their parents for their love, prayers, care, sacrifices and for educating and preparing them for their future especially in their financial needs;

The researchers also express their gratitude to their sisters, brothers, sisters in law and brothers in law for their support and valuable prayers. They would like to thank their friends and research colleagues for their genuine support throughout this research. Special thank goes to the instructors who continuously add up to their psychological stress and mental pressure which served as fuel for them to finish this study;

To all the people behind this successful study, thank u very much. Your support and effort are truly appreciated.



The researchers wish to express their deepest gratitude to the Almighty God for giving them the strength and ability to understand, learn and complete this research study;

The completion of this undertaking would not have been possible without the participation of the researcher’s family, Mr. John Celeste and Mrs. Lourdes Celeste, the parents of Aika T. Celeste; and Mr. Darius C. Parcon and Mrs. Welda C. Parcon, the parents of Ma. Trisha C. Parcon; who gave encouragement, enthusiasm and invaluable assistance to the researchers;

 The researchers are sincerely thankful to Ms. Ma. Janesa B. Cawaling, the researcher’s adviser for her guidance, support and undying effort to help finish this study;

To Ms. Dani Anne D. Ledesma who helped the researchers during the pre-oral defense and made a big effort to take part her knowledge with regards to experimental research.

Likewise, the researchers' gratitude is expressed to their statistician who made a big help in analyzing and interpreting the data, Mr. Carjohn C. Depictivo;

They are also very much thankful to their English Critic who evaluated and corrected their grammar to produce this book;

To the panelists, Mrs. Stephanie Alfaras, Ms. Joehaida Oquias and Mr. Noel B. Fordente for their suggestions, comments, and recommendations;

The researchers are very happy to express their profound sense of gratitude to their classmates most especially to Ms. Jamaica Marie B. Pachica who willingly helped them during their stressful nights and get through their struggles

        . The researchers are very thankful to all the people who encouraged and take part to finish this study. May God bless us all.




        Success is a mixture of all positive and negative challenges. It makes success taste even sweeter. Trials and struggles had been a part of this research study. However, nothing can hinder the hearts with the determination to succeed. This study would not have been made possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another have contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.



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