Election of 1844 Texas
Essay by Ggezshh • February 26, 2018 • Essay • 2,296 Words (10 Pages) • 881 Views
Apush final
Election of 1844: Texas was a major issue in election of 1844. Democrat James Polk defeated Whig henry Clay and is elected with a mandate to annex Texas. Liberty party takes 16000 votes in Ny that would have gone to CLay. Ironically, this hastened the annexation of Texas. Lame-Duck(when voted out of president) President Tyler arranged for the annexation( Because he’s petty) of texas in 1845, only needed a simple majority in Congress to annex the territory.
James Polk Campaign Platform: James Polk is elected and brings up the Manifest Destiny issue (basically argues for war w/Mexico just because he wants the territory even though he doesn't want war so when it does start, he wants a quick victory). Polk promised to lower tariffs, support an independent treasury(wants treasury department that U.S doesn't have control over), acquire California, and solve the oregon dispute.
Hero of the Mexican American War: Mexico was threatening war if U.S annexed lone star republic. Mexico also refuse to sell California to U.S. So in 1846, Zachary Taylor is sent with 4000 men to Tx-Mx Border(just to protect our american settlers and TX territory). U.s victory by Zachary taylor(“Old Rough and Ready”) plus a naval blockade eventually led to defeat of Mexican Army. Tough Terrain and disease prolonged war. 12th Pres. died in office. Last southerner pres elected until woodrow wilson and also last whig pres elected in office.
Wilmot Proviso: David Wilmot of Pennsylvania worried about slavocracy and issued the Wilmot Proviso which would ban slavery in territory gained from Mexico. Does Not pass the senate and there was clearly division over the issue of slavery. Civil war is looking inevitable. He is a member of the Free Soil Party (also Lincoln was too- they aren't true abolitionists and don't want to end slavery.) slavery in Mexican cession: not passed.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Confirmed American “Title to Texas” and the U.S. gained territory from Texas to California. The U.S paid Mexico $15 million for the territory. Treaty was confirmed in the senate with some members in the whig party opposed to it over the issue of the expansion of slavery.
Gadsden Purchase (1853): Completes expansion of continental space. Purpose was to connect railroads to East all the way to California.
The Great Compromiser: Henry clay. Compromise of 1850 considered clay's compromise and tries to promote it but stephen douglas actually gets it to work. Douglas designs compromise but clay takes credit.
Compromise of 1850: Compromise to avoid the Civil War but proves C.V must happen. North happy because maintain balance. South happy because get slaves back. Get to choose free or slave state.
5 major provisions-
Admit California as a free state (makes whig, free soil-not south, and abolitionists happy)(for the north)
Stronger fugitive slave law (makes southern democrats happy)
Popular sovereignty: lets settlers decide the status of slavery in the mexican cession (southern democrats happy. However, backfires and helps northerners.
Cash for land. Texas ceded land in return for $10 million from federal government (to pay war debt).Federal assumption of Texas debt/texas cedes western land.
Abolish the slave trade( in washington D.C)
This compromise was supposed to be a financial compromise between the sections, and it was… just for different reasons than Clay had intended (whig party dies bc has so many diff sections like free soilers and know nothing)
Fugitive Slave Laws: what made this stronger was “bench trial”- no longer go to court, no trial, no argument, if judge thought he was a fugitive slave then sent back to South (before slave had trial. Expedite things). Now people accused of be slave went before a fed judge-not jury. This is the reason why Stowe writes Uncle Tom’s cabin.
Lincoln as a politician:
Kansas-Nebraska Act: leads to bleeding Ks goes against will of people in Kansas and nebraska(reason why douglas considers bad pres- splits his party in 2: southern democrats want but Northerns democrats don’t). In Ks Neb territories on the issue of slavery.Popular sovereignty says people have choice over slavery. Leaves choose up to people but since they don't want it there and barely any slave owners, border states like Missouri(slave state) will start moving people in there. This act repealed Missouri Compromise by opening Ks and neb to slaveholders.
Caning of Charles Sumner: in 1858, representative Preston brooks from South Carolina vs Senator Charles Sumner form Massachusetts. Sumner got fucked up. “The Crime against Kansas” speech by Sumner had thousand of copies of the speech printed for distribution in the North (bashed democrat party and bash slavery). This speech angers south and north cheers him on (especially abolitionists). So Brooks beats that bitch ass with his cane. North and south wants to know why he got beat up. Brooks is vilified by northerners but he becomes hero in South.
Know Nothing Party: think native americans (white men) should be aware of foreign influence. The american party. Native americans (nativism- native americans become aware of foreign influence). Immigrant catholics don't like.
Dred Scott decision: This case is great example of how supreme court abused power. facts of the case- dred scott, a slave, lived w/ his master in illinois and the wisconsin territory for 4 years. Scott claimed this made him a freeman. Controversial case because they even listen to this case. Weird that they claim: people of african descent-including scott- could not be U.S. citizens (any free slave too, not an argument either side was making). Congress can’t forbid slavery in federal territories (ergo, the already defunct Missouri compromise was found unconstitutional). Not only is slavery okay, Supreme Court says slavery can't be forbid in new states by congress. Dred scott is judicial activism( when judged write laws). Northern states think slave power conspiracy now because of this case.
Various reasons for the Civil War: Personal liberty Laws. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Kansas Nebraska act
Events surrounding the beginning of the Civil War: compromise of 1850, uncle tom's cabin, kansas nebraska act, brooks sumner accident, lincoln elected pres,secession, confederate states of America, Fort sumpter, the upper south seceded.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates(1858): not about presidency. Lincoln loses to Douglas. Illinois senate race. South- Stephen Douglas: Democrat incumbent and North- Abraham Lincoln-Republican