Energy Global Response
Essay by ferey khan • December 3, 2017 • Essay • 998 Words (4 Pages) • 982 Views
Global energy policy is an increasing common concern, among all respective governments and energy commissions. The need to analyze and discuss the current energy policy on a global scale is apparent within this decade. Energy policy in a global factor concerns governments and multinational organizations dealing with the process of energy development with the energy industry to analyze energy systems, energy production, distribution and consumption [1]. An energy policy that encompasses global impact includes legislation, international trades, and global energy investments in all scales. Currently the present energy policies across the globe manages to alleviate the impact of global energy availability with the constant increasing demand for energy [2]. The measures that approach an energy policy with a deviance of global concerns in energy include: availability or reality of policy, efficiency and effectiveness of implementation and results, widespread acceptance socially, economically and politically.
Availability or otherwise the reality of a policy, in terms of its bearing on a global scale, can be characterized by a policy having realistic components that are able to meet the constraints of the policy itself. The policy on energy must have a sense of global or widespread availability to be considered a strategy that is considered globalized [2]. Examples of meeting this measure can be the Malaysian government as it formulates a series of policies on renewable energy development though consideration of natural resources provided by geography, climate and industrial management [3]. These policies are achieved laws, regulations, and economic encouragement. These guidelines are built upon global outreach to achieve a global energy production system that is sustainable. To provide a better energy policy in all scales, the need for efficiency standards must be placed for global energy competency.
The predication on competent and exceling efficiency and effectiveness of a policy in both implementation and resulting growth must be a consistent factor on a global scale. Data measured and recorded must have a reliable strategy on a multinational or multiregional energy system to mediate the policy beyond local or nation-state concerns [4]. The policy in this sense, must meet standards of success, in a global energy system to be addressed as a solution for global concerns. An example of the applications of this global energy criteria can be described as when regions with harsh climates and higher national altitudes are subject to high windspeeds, which allows for the implementation of wind-produced energy compared to regions with dryer climates [3], unless the policy also states for this break in global effectiveness or determines a method of energy distribution. This is a measure that acts as criteria for global energy policy enactment. Energy policies also must be accepted by public opinion, industry and legislators on an international scale to have a global inspiration.
The acceptance of a specific energy plan presented is a reality. To establish a global preceptive on the acceptance of a policy, it contains three factors: political, economic and social. Global political acceptance refers to the idea of legislation and treaties among the international community and various government representations. One major energy policy within the decade that conveys this idea is the Paris Agreement, which is a climate accord an agreement within the United Nations and multiple global energy figureheads dealing with greenhouse gas emissions [2]. Economic acceptance most refers to the economic opportunity a certain policy may have in the perspective of global economy, such as job creation, net profit, affordability, etc. This can be connected to recent disapproval of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) of recent western shift to renewable and natural gas for energy supply. This disapproval is due to the economic ramifications that OPEC members face due to shift of western energy policy; therefore, it that certain policy has negative economic acceptance with the international community [2]. Lastly, social acceptance conceives to be an importance factor within the global energy policy measure stated above. Social acceptance is a genuine concern when creating global energy policy as the public opinion on a certain policy determines the polices fate through political means. For example, global social acceptance deems to be negative of nuclear energy supply due major destructive incidents in Chernobyl and Japan [1]; thus, this deter away from a global social acceptance of nuclear energy. Due to these measures, energy policy of all matters, has a certain impact on the global realm.