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Essay by   •  December 22, 2010  •  1,080 Words (5 Pages)  •  954 Views

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No one can’t meet a family like mine’s. My family is well diversified. Every family member plays an important role in all my family’s lives. In my family, there are four people: my father, my mother, my little brother and me. My father is one who brings money home and is also responsible for organizing and planning family trips. My mother is the one who is in charge for making meals and makes sure everyone eats at the appropriate times. My little brother is the pet of the family. He actually doesn’t have any responsibilities, for he’s the pet. I am the rock of support in my family. I always go beyond my parents’ expectations. I also support my younger cousins and little brother, by being a role model that they can look up to. Another reason why I’m known as a rock of support is the fact how I am always there for my family during the ups and downs of life.

One reason why I’m known as a rock of support in my family is the fact that I always do what I’m told to do, by my parents. As the eldest child, I’m given numerous responsibilities. My parents have certain expectations of me. Depending, on the task, it is common for me to go beyond their expectations. For example, when my parents ask me do my laundry; I go beyond of what is expected of me. I do the laundry of all my family members. After the clothes have in the washing machine and dryer, I then clean the lint filter. I then iron the clothes that require ironing. After, I organize the finished laundry by the person who wears it. Clearly, one can see how my task was to just put my clothes in the washing machine. My parents didn’t tell me to do the whole family’s laundry, but I still did it. They didn’t ask me to iron the finished laundry, but I did it. I always surprise my parents by doing more than being asked. My parents can always rely on me. They will never be disappointed by my work. Doing what my parents tell me to do is just one of many reasons why I am a rock of support for my family.

Not only do I support my parents, but I also support my younger cousins and brother. As an eldest brother and cousin, I feel I must be a good example for the young ones. There are numerous methods of showing my cousins and brother support. One main way is by providing advice on making the right choices. For example my brother had a problem at school with one of his classmates. As a mature and responsible older brother, I advised him to use the non-violent approach. I told him to go discuss the problem and try to resolve it peacefully. My brother then asked me why he shouldn’t fight his classmate. I explained how violence is the answer to anything. I advised him to first talk to his classmate in a professional manner. If then things get out of hand, I told him to let the teacher know the situation. In the end, my brother didn’t need to get the teacher involved. In fact, their conflict was resolved by talking through with each other. I also am very supportive of my little cousins. One way I help them out is by tutoring them once in a while. They come over to my house and I assist them with their school work. Not only I help my cousins with their homework, but I also support them recreationally. I play various sports and activities with them. As their older cousin/brother, I feel I should be a good role model to follow.

I am also known for being there when my family really needs me. Whether it is joyful or sorrowful, I am very



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