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Ento Test 1 Study Guide

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Josiah Holt


Professor Espelie


Silent Spring-Sales soared

  1. Within 1 year: pesticide bills were introduced in 40 states
  2. CBS TV Interview
  3. Opposition: Dr. Robert White-Stevens
  4. What is “The balance of Nature”?
  5. US. Senate Hearing


  1. DDT was very cheap and stable
  2. DDT interferes with nervous system
  3. DDT is fat-soluble
  4. DDT causes reduced calcium in bird eggs
  5. DDT was banned in the U.S in 1972

  • DDT Bio magnification
  • DDT is trapped in animal fat. As DDT travels up the food chain, the concentration increases.

Pesticides (P)

  • P contaminates groundwater
  • P persist in deep soil because low O2 and few bacteria
  • Most p untested for Cancer
  • Cancer tests for one P but most crops get several P

Pesticides (P) and Cancer(C)

  • Farmers are at higher risk, especially migrant workers
  • Does long-term exposure cause C?
  • Most P have not been tested for cancer?
  • Synergistic (2 or more P may act together to be worse than on P)
  • Pimentel: Less than .1% of pesticides applied to crops reach target pets

Environmental Defense Fund

  • Victor Yannocone led ban of DDT

1962 Silent spring was published

1970 Environmental Protection Agency established

1972 DDT banned by EPA


  1. Victor Yannacone: “1 part per million is significant” in reference to only 1 vegetable per million having pesticides.
  2. Man-Made Chemicals [c} including pesticides in the environment mimic estrogenic hormones (H). In the body, H interact with receptor in a lock and key fashion. C fits into receptor site and acts like H. C blocks H action and affects H metabolism.

Florida: Lake Apopka

  1. Major DDT Spill in 1980
  2. Decline in number of alligators
  3. 75% of alligators eggs were dead
  4. 25% of male had a small penis
  5. Many male turtles were “intersex” (couldn’t tell whether it was a male or female)

DES= a synthetic estrogen

  1. From 1940-190, DES was given to 5 million pregnant women to reduce miscarriages
  2. DES was given to girls who were “too tall”, had acne, and to stop flow of mother’s breast milk
  3. DES given to chickens and cows to promote growth
  4. 1971: Women who’s mother’s took DES are much more likely to develop vaginal cancer

** DES effects takes place 20 years later

*Placenta does not protect fetus from chemicals

*Thalidomide is now used to treat leprosy and aids

*For silent spring, know that the last chapter is called “The other road” its publication date,

IPM-Integrated Pest Management

  1. Know the pest
  1. Life cycle of insect
  2. How does the pest reproduce
  3. When is the pest a problem

  1. Judicious use of pesticides
  1. Apply pesticides when pest is present and vulnerable
  2. Use of Scouts or pheromone traps to monitor pest
  3. Monitor Environmental conditions
  4. Use of ultra low volume sprayers

  1. Host Plant Resistance
  1. Breeding Programs
  2. Introduction of resistance by crossing with “new
    “ varieties. A Chemical B. Physical
  3. Introduction of resistance by recombinant DNA technology


  1. Biological Control
  1. Sterilization
  1. Pet Insects (Problem-Most insects hard to read in lab)
  1. Rear in lab
  2. Sterilize
  3. Release
  4. Insects mate in field
  5. No progeny
  1. Beneficial Insects
  1. A.
  1. Parasitoids
  2. Parasitic wasps
  3. Parasitic flies
  1. B. Predators-animal that kills and eats animals
  1. Bacteria that attack insects
  1. Bacillus thuringiensis B.T-Know B.T is bacteria
  2. 1. There are several varieties
  3. 2. Each variety is specific for one group of insects
  4. 3. Bacteria produce toxic protein which kills insects
  5. 4. B.T. protein is not toxic to higher animals
  6. 5. Current use: Gypsy moth in North Georgia
  1. Viruses that attack insects
  1. Viruses are very specific, only a few insect species are attacked by each type of virus
  2. Viruses have no effect on higher animals
  3. Viruses multiple in great quantities in host insect
  4. Viruses act too slowly. Pest insects live for several days after eating virus  

UGA and American Cyanamid:

Mite Toxin is insect specific. Insert gene for Mite toxin into virus DNA

***Pest insect dies very quickly

Virus still has narrow host range. No effect on humans or other animals. Also use T from scorpions and spiders


1. B.T must be eaten

2. Toxin Destroys the insects stomach

3. B.T. is not slow acting

4. New strains are being sought.

*Parasitoid-Insects whose larvae consume their host

External Parasitoid

1.Female Wasp paralyzes caterpillar with venom

2. Female wasp lays eggs on outside of caterpillar

3. Larvae hatch and feed on caterpillar

4. Female wasp determines the sex of her young

        -Fertilized egg-female

        -Unfertilized egg-male


        Internal Parasitoid

1.Female adult wasp lays eggs inside caterpillar

2. wasp larvae hatch and eat caterpillar from inside, *but doesn’t damage internal caterpillar organs

3. Larvae ooze out of host and spin cocoon.

Josiah D. Holt


  • Linnaeus (on test, won’t be multiple choice so we’ll have to memorize the name)
  • Swedish naturalist
  • *Phylum-Arthropoda
  • If you have an insect, how do you decide which category it belongs?
  • Species:
  • Organisms that closely resemble one another and can produce fertile offspring

  • To which genus name does the house fly belong to?
  • Musca Domestica

*Features of insects

  • Hard exoskeleton
  • Exoskeleton provides protection
  • Muscles attach to exoskeleton
  • Exoskeleton limits water loss

*When insect grows, it must molt.



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