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Essay by   •  December 19, 2010  •  482 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,193 Views

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End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is one of the complications in various population and эsocieties, mostly the developing countries. These patients suffer from retention of undesirable эsubstance in blood stream due to renal or kidney failure. The incidence of ESRD is increasing эworldwide at an annual rate of 8% (Bamgboye, 2003, p. 93). Statistics show that in different эcountries one of 1000 general populations suffers from this chronic debilitating disease. The эmodality for treatment of these patients is Hemodialysis (HD), Peritoneal dialysis (PD), and эKidney Transplantation. э

During HD blood is sent from the body to an outside machine (dialyser) that filters out the эwaste and extra fluids then blood return to body. HD is the most popular method for treating эESRD's patients in the world. Nearly one million people are receiving HD worldwide ээ(Bamgboye, 2003, p. 93). э

PD is an alternative treatment to hemodialysis, this form of dialysis is usually performed эby the patient at home. PD occurs inside the body using the peritoneal membrane (the lining of эthe abdomen) as a filter. This membrane also covers the organs, which lie within the abdominal эcavity. The peritoneal membrane is semi permeable, allowing certain size substances to pass эthrough it (Luongo, 2003, p. 249). However, PD practical for patients with high education and эafter one year using PD patients will be faced with complications. For these reasons, today, PD эhas very low proportion in dialysis treatment in the world (Barsoum, 2002, p. 740).э

Kidney Transplantation is very expensive substitute, which is not available for every one. эIt need so many prolegomenon work and it need another healthy donor patient who give one of эhis kidney or very professional cadaver networking transplantation to find match kidney from эnew death body for patients.



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