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Essay by   •  December 19, 2010  •  759 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,292 Views

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I will admit from the beginning that I am a Wal-Mart critic. I may have my opinions but I am also realistic; the many crusades against the organization are simply a waste of time. This gigantic monster is here to stay, they're not going anywhere nor do I want them to.

Since the birth of Wal-Mart in 1962, Sam Walton's vision of discount retailing has erupted into over 5000 stores in 15 countries with sales of 9.1 billion. His radical retailing concept of one stop shopping at the lowest price has monstered into an empire of success. Wal-Mart being one of the largest and richest companies has single handedly changed economies all over the world. Up to just recently, they were the richest company, dominating majority of retail market shares.

Some may argue that because of their success, Wal-Mart has become an automatic target for criticism. Everyday consumers and even lobbyist may argue that Wal-Mart destroys small town economies; annihilating the mom and pop stores. They use their purchasing power to bully suppliers while further more building leverage unethically. The quality or lack of customer service has been dropping significantly over the last decade. I may be a Wal-Mart critic but I am also reasonable. Wal-Mart is no different than their competitors, or all companies for that matter. Companies will do whatever they can to build leverage in the purchasing field. Any company, the bigger they get, the more they'll kick out the little players. Understanding that because of their size, they will be an automatic target; the downfall of being such a mega business.

Wal-Mart may be successful at keeping low prices and providing the convenience of a super store retailer, but their social responsibility to their 1.3 million Associates have been disastrous to say the least.

The concept of the "living wage" is an income that will support a family of four. Wal-Mart Associates earn under the "living wage". At an average of forty hours the median earning for all Associates is $3,300 a quarter, which equates to only $6.35 an hour. Wal-Mart will argue that if wages were to increase significantly, then consumer prices will increase; therefore Sam Walton's vision of the lowest possible price would be jeopardized. Associate's pay is not rated by their

They will argue that once minimum wage is increased, growth of business will decrease. But then how come GDP increases?! dur** people have more money to spend. The more money people spend, the more businesses grow. Use that in perspective with the Walmart bill. Walmart takes advantage of providing healthcare at a reduced amount. First of all, can we agree that people working at Walmart are poor!? How can they afford healthcare for their



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