Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Essay by Hana Abdi • April 11, 2018 • Essay • 470 Words (2 Pages) • 736 Views
Fatima Abdi
January 11, 2018
Should a person who is terminally ill, who feels that their life is not worth living due to intolerable pain or the loss of dignity or the loss of capability, who repeatedly asks for help in committing suicide, and who is of sound mind and not suffering from depression be given assistance in dying? Issue Euthanasia; The word euthanasia means “Deliberately killing a permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individual with the intention of relieving their suffering.”(Engdhal 12) Today there are varies of terms used to describe euthanasia like “mercy killing” or “assisted suicide”. Euthanasia can be either passive or active, voluntary or involuntary. “ Passive euthanasia involves an incurably ill person refusing or asking for the withdrawal of life sustaining medical support”.(Eghdahl 12) its when life sustaining treatment are withheld from the patient, it refers to a case in which a doctor prescribes painkilling drugs knowing that a terminally ill patient may choose to overdose on them it’ s passive euthanasia.Active euthanasia “ takes place when a person deliberately causes the death of a terminally ill individual”(Enghdahl 12) for instance when a person dives a dying parent a lethal injection.euthanasia can be voluntary or involuntary “voluntary euthanasia is conducted with consent “(Nordqvist) it’s when a person has consented to dying voluntary euthanasia is legal in Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherland, Switzerland and Oregon.”involuntary euthanasia is conducted without a consent”(Nordqvist) its when there’s no consent from the patient because the patient is unable to make the decision.In most countries,euthanasis is against the law and its may carry a jail sentence. in the united sate, the law varies between states. it has been a controversial and emotional topic.