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Essay by   •  December 2, 2010  •  965 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,048 Views

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Euthanasia comes from the Greek words Eu: "good" and Thanasia:"death". It is the action of terminating intentionally the life of a human being to eliminate suffering for his/her benefit. When a person has a terminal disease, all the types of treatments have been practiced, nothing works and the endless pain of the patient still exists: Euthanasia could be an option, depending on the case. For example, a person is in coma due to brain stoppage, so his life is meaningless for that person. This human being will not be able to feel or rationalize what is going on. In such cases, Euthanasia could be an option for the patient and family members to relieve from agonizing processes. (

Euthanasia can be easily confused with its many different meanings. According to John Horgan, “Right to Die”, Scientific American, in "Active and Passive Euthanasia", once the initial decision not to prolong the patient's agony has been made, active is preferably rather than passive. His example focuses on the case of a patient who is dying of an incurable cancer of throat and a terrible pain that cannot be alleviated at all. He is certain to die in few days, but he decided to not continue with the unbearable pain, therefore asked the doctor to withhold the treatment which will be a worse pain. The writer emphasizes that passive euthanasia leads to more suffering rather than less contrary to the purpose of euthanasia. The same situation is with Annie's case, if they stop the treatment the pain from the burns will be even worst and tragic before her death. Therefore, we are letting the patients to suffer even more, by stopping the treatments instead to perform in the purpose of eliminating suffering.

When getting the flu or strep throat people often feel so terrible the thought “I would rather be dead’ comes to mind. But something that simple is curable and will heal over time. A terminally ill patient, whose illness is not curable most likely has the same thought but actually means it. They should have the choice to die.

Illnesses that are incurable and painful to the patient such as, Lupus, which is most common in women, affects the immune system. Some symptoms include: sores in mouth and nose, fever, weight/hair loss, fatigue, chest pain when taking deep breath, abdominal pain, schizophrenia, paranoia, hallucinations, trouble thinking, memory loss, seizures, strokes, blood clots, and many more. The symptoms start out with something as simple as a fever but increase to more complicated things to treat such as blood clots and seizures. A person living in constant fear of what is going to happen or that can’t remember anyone or anything, and is always in a constant state of paranoia in not the way to live. Another incurable, painful disease is Crohn’s disease. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. It primarily causes ulcerations (breaks in the lining) of the small and large intestines, but can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus. This can spread and it eventually eats at your body until it in incapable of restoring itself. This is a painful process that cannot be treated or cured. Patients in the worse condition of this disease should be have the decision to end their life.

If a patient is not seen to recover at any stage and after all treatment possible, still remains incurable, then they should have to choice of euthanasia. Euthanasia



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