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Events And Leaders Of The Civil Rights

Essay by   •  December 23, 2010  •  723 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,455 Views

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Did Germans immigrate to the United States or colonize?They They immigrated. Only France, Spain, England, and the Netherlands ever colonized in the US.The Germans never colonized the US. Only the french, british, and spanish did.Germans began immigrating to America in 1709. The reasons were not the same as with other countries. According to Immigration a journey to America the reasons were quite different. “Unlike most immigrants, German immigrants did not immigrate for political reasons. In fact, the country was repeatedly being attacked by armies of various nationalities. Inhabitants of the southwestern part, especially, were constantly robbed and tortured. Entire villages were often burnt down and their inhabitants killed.” A. lists many factors for why the Germans immigrated to America. Some of those are poverty, persecution by their government, and overcrowded population growth. One of the first German ships to come to America was the Concord.The development of a settlement by Germans immigrating to America began already in the 17th Century. The pioneer Francis Daniel Pastorius, born in Sommerhausen (near Wuerzburg), together with 13 Mennonites & Quaker families from Krefeld, was the first German immigrant to enter and set foot in the North American Continent.

Did the group face prejudice, segregation, racism or any combination of the three? Throughout my research I found no evidence until World War I where German immigrants faced prejudice, segregation, or racism when coming to America. According to two sources researched, Wagner, A, and Immigration a journey to America, once German immigrants came into America they sought out farmlands and blended in with the population. The Germans were easily accepted as вЂ?white’ and they kept to themselves. Throughout America вЂ?Little Germanys” were popping up for those Germans who wanted to remain close to others of their ethnicity but most were content to live the farm life.Germans were not subject to prejudices until the start of World War I. Then America’s view of Germans changed. Upon hearing of the terrible acts that were committed by the Germans public opinion changed drastically. According to Grolier Online Encyclopedia:

“…when, during the first two years of World War I, the battle for public opinion concerning the war shifted from admiration for the efficiency of the Prussian war machine to not-so-subtle charges about Huns killing Belgian babies and Kaisers sinking American passenger vessels. Overnight, hatred and bigotry engulfed the German-born, German-speaking businessmen, wage-earners, clergy, and ordinary citizens, not infrequently occasioned by rivalry, competition, and a jealousy for the accomplishments of German immigrants. Like pariahs Germans now were hunted down.”

Was this group effected by or did it participate in any of the following forms of discrimination? If so, describe:




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